Why do personal preferences justify labeling someone?

Whispers's Avatar
Why is a Provider that will not see a black male considered a racist?

Why is a Hobbyist that will not see a Black Provider a Racist?

Why is guy that prefers Indies Biased against Agencies?

Why is a guy that sees a girl from the streets not considered to be a real hobbyist?

Why are FBSM providers not considered hookers?

Lot's of these stereotypes exist in the hobby and labels are assigned simply due to a person's preferences.
  • Noid
  • 12-30-2014, 02:11 PM
Mentioned in another thread. Agencies are like a co-op, or Sams Club. Generally cheaper and less NCNS. Some (I) won't see latina, or hispanic providers. Some (I) won't see heavy ones.
I am definitely biased against agencies. Fuck that noise. Also no black providers for me. Label me what you will.

I know that doesn't answer your question but thought I would take the lead in getting labeled.
Guest110715-3's Avatar
Labels exist because it's easier to put someone in a nice, simple categorized box rather than have an open dialog that would result in getting to know someone. It's also easier to label yourself so others can avoid you or seek you out.
A provider that states an NBA policy will attract clients who prefer providers with such a policy.
Those that label doesn't mean that they condemn their actions, rather than to keep their own lives simple. Since sexual arousal is what I'm here for, my preferences are mine and could never be labeled as racists. What gets my interest may not be shared by all.
If one labels another as racists because of their sexual preferences, they label themselves.
And if labels hurt your delicate sensibilities, maybe this planet is not for you.
Everything and everyone is categorized and labeled. Fortunately, only you can change your own label through your own actions.
This is an excellent thread as it has been on my mind from the day I joined. I have my preferences but I will never post them. I have changed my mind about things before and I don't want to piss some providers off by voicing them. I will lurk on this thread to see what the general feeling is. I do think any one that pulls the raciest shit should be flogged.
googol^googol's Avatar
Why is a provider who is older than a specific hobbyist prefers a hag?

Why is a provider who is heavier than a specific hobbyist prefers a pig?

Why is a hobbyist who is interested in providers that a specific hobbyist doesn't find appealing a loser, pathetic, or deluded by their ignorance?
We can all agree that boys who see the youngest, hottest, tiniest, biggest busted, high dollar girls are the raddest, though.
^^lol. I may be guilty. Accept for the high $ part.
Mentioned in another thread. Agencies are like a co-op, or Sams Club. Generally cheaper and less NCNS. Some (I) won't see latina, or hispanic providers. Some (I) won't see heavy ones. Originally Posted by Noid
Agencies are cheaper? Hmmm. Guess I have been looking at the wrong agencies.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-30-2014, 05:48 PM
We can all agree that boys who see the youngest, hottest, tiniest, biggest busted, high dollar girls are the raddest, though. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
Spoken like a true PHP.

{{{Pathetic HagPig.}}}

(Just kidding Jen, it was just hanging there and was too easy).
HagPig? Christ.
We can all agree that boys who see the youngest, hottest, tiniest, biggest busted, high dollar girls are the raddest, though. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
And the ones with the deepest pockets. Oh, to be young and dumb again *le sigh*
Who a person will or will not see does not make them a racist. Their beliefs do. If such person thinks his or her race is superior to another, then yes, that person, by definition is a racist. Until we know a person specific beliefs, we can only assume. And you know how that goes...

As far as a hobbyist seeing a girl over another, let's be completely honest here: this is a market. The hobbyist, as the consumer, chooses to spend his money on whatever he wishes to. Not one single lady will be everyone's cup of tea. If you are exchanging money for sexual release, you are hobbying, no matter the venue.

As for FBSM providers not being considered hookers, who cares what one calls herself? Just like the sugar baby that gets paid, but refuses to see she is also exchanging money for her "company". Hooker, courtesan, whore, streetwalker, provider, sugar baby, wife, whatever. The moment you satisfy a sexual need for cash, the act is done. It reminds me of the girls in Brazil who would only have anal and oral sex so they would remain virgins until marriage...
Centaur's Avatar
Well, I don't think any of those make sense except for the use of the term racism. By strict definition of racism (discrimination on the basis of race), not seeing a provider or hobbyist on the basis of race is in fact racist. We've been programmed to recoil at the word racist for good reason, and it's seen as an extreme epithet. But I don't personally think preferences for attraction are a bad thing. I certainly don't think the racism of not being intimate with individuals of a particular race is in any way shape or form morally equivalent to racial discrimination for things like jobs or educational opportunities. But in the dictionary sense, it is still racist. I'm okay with acknowledging different categories of racism, and with at least one of them not being a moral affront if logic dictates it isn't. If someone else is not, then they will need to define racism by something other than actions, but I would wonder at any definition of social behavior that didn't take actions into account at least as much as beliefs.

The implication that size is the same kind of trait as race strikes me as dubious at best. Dr. Atkins never turned a minority into a white person, AFAIK. One is self-discipline, the other who conceived you.

As a matter of course, I prefer to identify actions (e.g. that's racist) to labeling people (e.g. you're racist), but I fall into the labeling trap sometimes too. In reality probably no one acts racist all the time, and probably no one is never acts racist.
Why DO hobbyist slam each other for seeing whatever type they want? I've noticed that. One man's trash is another man's treasure. Why should a spinner charge more than a bbw? There is something out there for everyone. For every guy that loves blondes there is another who finds them unattractive and so on.