Probably should drink and start thread

I just gotta say I am in my 50's and love sex more everyday. I love the taste of it the smell of it and the sounds of sex.

Is there anyone else that feels the same? I like to explore the female body and feel the curves off her breast and beautiful ass.

I hear people say I am a ass man or breast man. I kinda lean toward the ass but I guess I am a female body man.

I was getting a fbsm the other day and asked if I could touch something and the lady said no. Then she said its ok to ask cause you have a dirty mind and that's ok. She sure hit the nail on the head. She then explained she was fine with that. She expected men to ask and have a dirty mind. Even though I got a no I was glad to know she understood.

Well not sure if I really said anything but just wanted to post what was on my mind.
Torito's Avatar
Sounds a bit like you were drinking and posting.

Ya I meant to title probably shouldn't drink and post. Lol
seanj317's Avatar
Hell yeah 3030, drinkin' n' postin' !!!
I'm partial to 7mm and ass myself!
  • Gbfsl
  • 06-05-2016, 08:27 PM
With you 101%. I love sex more every day and I am crazy over the female body. The taste of it. The smell of it.

I am a hopeless romantic with a dirty mind. To me sex is like air; it’s not important unless you aren’t getting any.

Stay thirsty my friends.
GingerKatt's Avatar
Keyboarding Under The Influence is not usually a good idea. I've done it and written some posts I'd really like to delete, but can't! I don't have a temper, really, but Under The Influence, my Irish comes out and I say things I've never said in my life! Someone needs to hide my computer. Half price session to anyone who comes over and distracts. I read them the next day and cringe. But I really liked your post! And I relate to it! I was never much into sex in my 20's and 30's, but when I turned 38 or 39, my hormones just exploded! I couldn't get enough. That's when I discovered providing and it's perfect, because my hormones are still raging and I still love it!