A Note of Love to the Austin Eccie community from Sukhon"

Dear Loves,
I want to thank you so much for the warm greeting you have given me as I have entered your community. I am very new to this and this has been my first week in the hobby.

I have been overwhelmed with PMs, texts and emails. I have been unable to reply to the vast majority of these and I apologize. This will not change in the future because I simply do not have the time to handle or to screen these requests or even see most of these fine gentleman.

This is because my personal situation only gives me very limited time for the hobby. I am a full time student and, more importantly, I am the primary care giver for a family member with cancer.

I want to thank the gentleman who I have had the pleasure of meeting and I am looking forward to meeting more gentlemen on a very selected basis. I want to apologize in advance to anyone who tries to contact me and who gets no response at all. I am not trying to be disrespectful or rude but my limited time situation is the reason for this and literally do not have the time to read all my contacts, screen these men or take appointments with most of these fine gentlemen. I have to focus on taking care of my very sick family member and also school.

Thank you so much for the warm and gracious greeting the Eccie community has given me. As time goes on I am looking to meeting more members, but for now please understand why I cannot response to or schedule the vast majority of your gracious requests to meet me. I am very grateful for the few men who I am able to find the time for. In the future this may change, but for now I am very time limited.



My schedule was posted on my eccie profile.