Capital assault hearings

Waste of money. Should Trump be convicted? Probably but it won’t happen. Terrible waste of resources. People putting on this production are as stupid as the idiots doing it.
Everyone who unlawfully broke in to any government buildings on the January 6th insurrection should be tried for treason. Because that's what it is.
rmg_35's Avatar
Everyone who unlawfully broke in to any government buildings on the January 6th insurrection should be tried for treason. Because that's what it is. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
And the jackasses that sturred them on especially the tangerine turd and several of the maga maggots that were and continue to support him. Liz Chaney had a great quote to her republican colleagues, "someday Donald Trump will be gone, but your dishonor will remain". She also stated that the DOJ investigation is "ongoing and has only partially been revealed".
... Liz Chaney will be gone at the end of the year.
And Kinsinger will be leaving with her.

... She's gonna lose her primary... and the crybaby bloke
Kinsinger didn't even have the backbone to run.

This committee thing has been good for them both.
Now the American people can see their true worth...

#### Salty
  • ottog
  • 06-09-2022, 10:56 PM
I wonder if Biden’s dealings with China and Ukraine are treasonous? Maybe that will be the next episode
berryberry's Avatar
Everyone who unlawfully broke in to any government buildings on the January 6th insurrection should be tried for treason. Because that's what it is. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
LOL Treason. Please. It was no insurrection and there was no treason. Even Senile Biden's DOJ agrees with that.

There were a small group of idiots that got out of hand. Most of the others though were let in by the guards. Those that have been prosecuted received far longer and tougher sentences than virtually anyone who took part in the Saint George Floyd BLM riots of 2020.

Surprisingly I agree with C3 - The whole thing is a waste of time and money. It's a soviet style show trial by the Democrats to try and tarnish Trump and because they have absolutely nothing to run on for November
berryberry's Avatar
I wonder if Biden’s dealings with China and Ukraine are treasonous? Maybe that will be the next episode Originally Posted by ottog
Once November rules around and Pelosi and the libtards have a crushing loss, oh what investigations the GOP can run if they so choose.

Hell, they could even run their own scam Jan 6 investigation and not allow any libtards on it just like Pelosi did not allow any republicans to be appointed by the GOP leader.

Senile Biden's corruption with Ukraine and China
Hunter Biden's corruption
FBI corruption
Clinton's Russia Hoax
Senile Biden's war on US energy
Senile Biden's refusing to enforce the border
Senile Biden's disasterous pullout in Afghanistan

The list could go on and on and on
berryberry's Avatar
Worse than a Soviet Era Show trial - deceptively edited video and testimony

January 6 Committee Plays Deceptively Edited Video of Capitol Riot

Jason Miller Says Liz Cheney Deceptively Edited His Testimony for January 6 Primetime Hearing

PHOTO: Scripted January 6 Committee Hearing Uses Teleprompter

And a great summary by Tucker - We’re not playing along with the January 6 show trial hearing. The whole thing is insulting. They are lying, and we’re not going to help them do it.
rmg_35's Avatar
The above website is a media bias chart. A good way to see which news organizations are fact reporting and which ones are opinionated and which one are bullshit.

Berry, your above posts are laughable, quoting Brietbart which is rated "opinion or high variation in reliability" and worse yet tucker Carlson rated "selective or incomplete story/unfair persuation/propaganda". Basically total bullshit like the basis of a number of your posts.

The only major network that didn't cover the hearing was Faux "fake news" and they didn't even take commercial breaks for fear there cult members may switch to another station and actually find out what was really going on.

For my trump fluffing friends who surely missed last night’s hearing, let me bring you up to speed.

Video shown at the January 6 committee hearing revealed that several members of trump’s innermost circle—including Ivanka Trump, William Bar, and Jason Miller—knew the 2020 election was legitimate well before the Capitol attack. Yet many of the maga maggots still believe the tangerine turd that the election was stolen because they keep getting fake, unreliable news and listening to truth social.

“You can’t live in a world where the incumbent administration stays in power based on its view, unsupported by specific evidence, that there was fraud in the election,” Barr said, adding that it contributed to his decision to leave the Trump administration in Dec. 2020.

And Berry, it's more than laughable that you said above that this is not an insurrection and "a small group of idiots got out of hand". NO IT WAS A LARGE GROUP OF IDIOTS WHIPPED UP INTO A FRENZY FROM THE LIES OF THE TANGERINE TURD THAT THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN. HE TOLD THE MOB TO "FIGHT LIKE HELL". At least 862 have been charged so far. 5 people died that day and approximately 140 officers suffered injuries. THIS WAS NOT A SMALL GROUP OF IDIOTS.

Also Liz Chaney stated that several GOP member of congress allegedly asked for pardon for their rolls in the January 6th insurrection. It will be very interesting moving forward so they are. Probably the one squealing the loudest.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Hearings? LMFAO! That was, by any definition of the word, not a hearing. It was a TV show, with democrats desperately trying to gain credibility and distract from the fact that everything they’ve touched since gaining power turned to dogshit. They simply hate at least 100 million Americans, are scared to death of the incoming shitstorm at the ballot box and think this farce will turn some of them to their side. It won’t. People vote their own financial well-being, which is getting worse every day with no end in sight.
And the jackasses that sturred them on especially the tangerine turd and several of the maga maggots that were and continue to support him. Liz Chaney had a great quote to her republican colleagues, "someday Donald Trump will be gone, but your dishonor will remain". She also stated that the DOJ investigation is "ongoing and has only partially been revealed". Originally Posted by rmg_35

Just like there are degrees of murder, there should be degrees of treason against the union. The morons who marked on the capitol should be tried with first degree treason - intent and planning to commit, and committing the act of treason itself.
Some of them might had been along for the ride, but didn't plan on it. Determining who is guilty of second degree treason would be difficult, but not impossible.
For all the people in charge but not actually doing the breakins, such as those who coordinated it and recruited for it, including the orange man himself, would be tried in the third degree.

LOL Treason. Please. It was no insurrection and there was no treason. Even Senile Biden's DOJ agrees with that. Originally Posted by berryberry
You, my friend, are incredibly ignorant of the truth. You refuse to read any other news articles except the ones that feed you the information that you want to hear. You are wrong, simply wrong.
The above website is a media bias chart. A good way to see which news organizations are fact reporting and which ones are opinionated and which one are bullshit.

Berry, your above posts are laughable, quoting Brietbart which is rated "opinion or high variation in reliability" and worse yet tucker Carlson rated "selective or incomplete story/unfair persuation/propaganda". Basically total bullshit like the basis of a number of your posts.

The only major network that didn't cover the hearing was Faux "fake news" and they didn't even take commercial breaks for fear there cult members may switch to another station and actually find out what was really going on.

For my trump fluffing friends who surely missed last night’s hearing, let me bring you up to speed.

Video shown at the January 6 committee hearing revealed that several members of trump’s innermost circle—including Ivanka Trump, William Bar, and Jason Miller—knew the 2020 election was legitimate well before the Capitol attack. Yet many of the maga maggots still believe the tangerine turd that the election was stolen because they keep getting fake, unreliable news and listening to truth social.

“You can’t live in a world where the incumbent administration stays in power based on its view, unsupported by specific evidence, that there was fraud in the election,” Barr said, adding that it contributed to his decision to leave the Trump administration in Dec. 2020.

And Berry, it's more than laughable that you said above that this is not an insurrection and "a small group of idiots got out of hand". NO IT WAS A LARGE GROUP OF IDIOTS WHIPPED UP INTO A FRENZY FROM THE LIES OF THE TANGERINE TURD THAT THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN. HE TOLD THE MOB TO "FIGHT LIKE HELL". At least 862 have been charged so far. 5 people died that day and approximately 140 officers suffered injuries. THIS WAS NOT A SMALL GROUP OF IDIOTS.

Also Liz Chaney stated that several GOP member of congress allegedly asked for pardon for their rolls in the January 6th insurrection. It will be very interesting moving forward so they are. Probably the one squealing the loudest. Originally Posted by rmg_35

The thing about your post, is that people who already disagree with you aren't going to read it, nor are they going to make any effort to try to enlighten themselves. That's how the trumpist cult works. Mindless worship of an idol who conditions their followers to accept anything they say, and continue to speak nonsense.
Straight from Faux News, look at these 'small number of honest joes' trying to overthrow the government

At 7:19, I count... one, two, looks like under 10 people there, right?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Sorry dude, they’re guilty of trespassing, possibly a bit of vandalism thrown in. These are minor crimes that would get a small fine and maybe sweeping cigarette buts off the street on a Saturday. Of course, if these were the leftist terrorists who caused billions of damage, killed people and burnt businesses to the ground, they’d face no consequences at all and CumAllah would shill for bail money.
berryberry's Avatar
The above website is a media bias chart. A good way to see which news organizations are fact reporting and which ones are opinionated and which one are bullshit.

Berry, your above posts are laughable, quoting Brietbart which is rated "opinion or high variation in reliability" and worse yet tucker Carlson rated "selective or incomplete story/unfair persuation/propaganda". Basically total bullshit like the basis of a number of your posts.

The only major network that didn't cover the hearing was Faux "fake news" and they didn't even take commercial breaks for fear there cult members may switch to another station and actually find out what was really going on. Originally Posted by rmg_35
Typical BS misinformation from RMG. He can't handle the facts so he attacks the source. Everything posted in those articles from Brietbart are accurate. They include video evidence, quotes / tweets from the people involved and actual pictures of the teleprompters the libtards used in their made for TV soviet style show trial scam. And I chose Brietbart for the links because I knew exactly how people with no brains in their head who only listen to DNC approved news sources would react. PATHETIC

And good for FOX for not showing the Democrats Soviet Show Trial Scam and perpetrating further fraud on America !!!
berryberry's Avatar
LOL Treason. Please. It was no insurrection and there was no treason. Even Senile Biden's DOJ agrees with that. Originally Posted by berryberry

You, my friend, are incredibly ignorant of the truth. You refuse to read any other news articles except the ones that feed you the information that you want to hear. You are wrong, simply wrong. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
So you are saying you are like some elected Democrat idiots who are trying to convince America that the only place Republicans don’t bring guns is to a highly organized insurrection.

Everyone knows it was no insurrection. A small group of unarmed people, some of whom acted stupidly. If these were the libtard terrorists who burnt buildings to the ground, caused billions of damage, killed people it wouldn't even be in the news.

And you are the one ignorant of the truth because even Senile Biden's DOJ does not believe this was treason. That is clear from what they have charged against those arrested