Inflation just hit a NEW 40-year high - HELL of a job Senile Biden !!!

berryberry's Avatar
Inflation just hit a NEW 40-year high.

Overall CPI: +8.6% since last year
Gas: +48.7%
Fuel Oil: +106.7%
Meat, Poultry, & Fish: +13.1%
Milk: +15.9%
Eggs: +32.2%
Coffee: +15.3%
Used Cars: +16.1%
Airline Fares: +37.8%
Real Average Hourly Earnings: -3%

berryberry's Avatar
13 months ago today

INFLATION: Jen Psaki says White House economic experts believe inflationary impact will be "temporary, transitory."
berryberry's Avatar
At current inflation rates, workers effectively lost 1.5 months of income.

Who can afford a pay cut like that?

Senile Biden voters are domestic terrorists who dropped an economic nuclear bomb on this country. They’ve killed more Americans than ISIS.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
$50 a day I’m spending on fuel now, $1000/month that was $3-400 just 18 months ago. That extra money would be a new truck, a bunch of dinners out, who knows, but is now literally burnt and adds nothing to the economy. We’re fortunate enough that it’s expendable, but think about all the guys out there making 50 or 60 or 70 grand, they’re getting crushed. I’ve been there, making an average salary with the Mrs in grad school. An extra $500 a month and we’d have been in a world of shit.
Senile Biden voters are domestic terrorists who dropped an economic nuclear bomb on this country. They’ve killed more Americans than ISIS. Originally Posted by berryberry

And dementia laden Trumpsters would ignore the issue entirely until the leadership changes hands, then point fingers.

I'm not one to say everything is peachy, but when you are handed a pile of bull crap from the last administration, you can only do so much with it.
chizzy's Avatar
And dementia laden Trumpsters would ignore the issue entirely until the leadership changes hands, then point fingers.

I'm not one to say everything is peachy, but when you are handed a pile of bull crap from the last administration, you can only do so much with it. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
Everything isn't peachy? That's what you call it?
Handed a pile of bull crap?

Pre covid.....

Lowest unemployment in decades
Lowest unemployment ever recorded for blacks and Latinos
Low inflation
Actual use of the laws for immigration
Was able to have 4 nations sign peace and coop agreements with Israel
Lowest taxes for low to middle class

Everything that was good, the left has fucked up

Wtf is wrong with your logical thinking?
Everything isn't peachy? That's what you call it?
Handed a pile of bull crap?

Pre covid.....

Lowest unemployment in decades
Lowest unemployment ever recorded for blacks and Latinos
Low inflation
Actual use of the laws for immigration
Was able to have 4 nations sign peace and coop agreements with Israel
Lowest taxes for low to middle class

Everything that was good, the left has fucked up

Wtf is wrong with your logical thinking? Originally Posted by chizzy
It's hard for some people to see the big picture with their heads up their asses
berryberry's Avatar
Everything isn't peachy? That's what you call it?
Handed a pile of bull crap?

Pre covid.....

Lowest unemployment in decades
Lowest unemployment ever recorded for blacks and Latinos
Low inflation
Actual use of the laws for immigration
Was able to have 4 nations sign peace and coop agreements with Israel
Lowest taxes for low to middle class

Everything that was good, the left has fucked up

Wtf is wrong with your logical thinking? Originally Posted by chizzy
Quiet Chizzy

You are telling him actual facts his DNC approved media won't. It's going to really boggle his mind when he realizes the country was in so much better shape before Senile Biden took office and he and the libtards started to destroy it

Worst consumer confidence IN HISTORY

Everything isn't peachy? That's what you call it?
Handed a pile of bull crap?

Pre covid.....

Lowest unemployment in decades
Lowest unemployment ever recorded for blacks and Latinos
Low inflation
Actual use of the laws for immigration
Was able to have 4 nations sign peace and coop agreements with Israel
Lowest taxes for low to middle class

Everything that was good, the left has fucked up

Wtf is wrong with your logical thinking? Originally Posted by chizzy

During covid..
- highest American death rate since the civil war
- not going to disagree about unemployment pre-covid, but during pandemic unemployment skyrocketed
- inflation was kept low because the economy was generally in a 'wait and see' mode. Nobody expected it to go on for more than a year
- I don't disagree with enforcing immigration, and it is actually a bit disheartening that thousands of people have to die from a virus in order to crack down on immigration

- No comment as I'm not read up on this
- The taxes, the Trump tax cuts, are going to expire in two years and go UP for the lower middle class.

But no, Trump has the highest percentage of unemployment in the history of the country, followed by Biden having the highest number of jobs created in the history of the country...
It's almost as if number goes down during a worldwide pandemic, then it goes up once it gets under control.

So picture this. You go to a Chilis, or a Dennys, or a bar, or anywhere that makes food and has more than one cook working in there a day.
The morning cook might make a great omelette at 10am, then have some drinks and make a poor sandwich at 1. Then at 2, he takes a shit in everything that was pre-prepped and then goes home.
The next cook comes in to work and sees that everything has the previous cook's shit in it. So goes to figure everything he makes is going to be a shit sandwich until he has a chance to clean it up.
Midnight rolls around and finally the food is going to taste like good food again.

Until the next morning when cook 1 comes in and starts to fuck everything up again. He starts off his morning saying things like 'Yea, you remember when cook2 started? Everything was shit! They should fire that guy lol'
Except the only people who believe him are the people who come in for breakfast when cook1 was working with real non-shitty food.
When someone who sits in the place all day drinking coffee calls out cook1 'Hey, your food started to taste like shit before you left. It took cook2 all night to get it back to something that was good', all the sheep who worship cook1 will say FAKE NEWS
... AND YET:

... With how "GOOD" Biden is doing - the Dems are set for
a Great SCHELLACKING come November. ... WHY IS THAT?

... And with how "BAD" Trump did - Why is Trump STILL
the odds-on Favourite to Win in 2024.... WHY IS THAT?

### Salty
Jacuzzme's Avatar
During covid..
- highest American death rate since the civil war
- not going to disagree about unemployment pre-covid, but during pandemic unemployment skyrocketed
- inflation was kept low because the economy was generally in a 'wait and see' mode. Nobody expected it to go on for more than a year
- I don't disagree with enforcing immigration, and it is actually a bit disheartening that thousands of people have to die from a virus in order to crack down on immigration

- No comment as I'm not read up on this
- The taxes, the Trump tax cuts, are going to expire in two years and go UP for the lower middle class.

But no, Trump has the highest percentage of unemployment in the history of the country, followed by Biden having the highest number of jobs created in the history of the country...
It's almost as if number goes down during a worldwide pandemic, then it goes up once it gets under control.

So picture this. You go to a Chilis, or a Dennys, or a bar, or anywhere that makes food and has more than one cook working in there a day.
The morning cook might make a great omelette at 10am, then have some drinks and make a poor sandwich at 1. Then at 2, he takes a shit in everything that was pre-prepped and then goes home.
The next cook comes in to work and sees that everything has the previous cook's shit in it. So goes to figure everything he makes is going to be a shit sandwich until he has a chance to clean it up.
Midnight rolls around and finally the food is going to taste like good food again.

Until the next morning when cook 1 comes in and starts to fuck everything up again. He starts off his morning saying things like 'Yea, you remember when cook2 started? Everything was shit! They should fire that guy lol'
Except the only people who believe him are the people who come in for breakfast when cook1 was working with real non-shitty food.
When someone who sits in the place all day drinking coffee calls out cook1 'Hey, your food started to taste like shit before you left. It took cook2 all night to get it back to something that was good', all the sheep who worship cook1 will say FAKE NEWS Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
I will say, it IS kind of suspicious that this "Chinese Flu" hit just in time for a Presidential Election, and then all research from the Chinese involved with this virus has somehow been "deleted", meanwhile before shit-hit-the-fan, we have the WHO declaring Covid19 "not a concern". Talk about Tweets That Did Not Age Well?
berryberry's Avatar
During covid..
- highest American death rate since the civil war
- not going to disagree about unemployment pre-covid, but during pandemic unemployment skyrocketed
- inflation was kept low because the economy was generally in a 'wait and see' mode. Nobody expected it to go on for more than a year
- I don't disagree with enforcing immigration, and it is actually a bit disheartening that thousands of people have to die from a virus in order to crack down on immigration

- No comment as I'm not read up on this
- The taxes, the Trump tax cuts, are going to expire in two years and go UP for the lower middle class.

But no, Trump has the highest percentage of unemployment in the history of the country, followed by Biden having the highest number of jobs created in the history of the country...
Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
1. You do realize don't you that more Americans died from covid under Senile Biden than they did under Trump

2. Of course unemployment skyrocketed during the pandemic - when businesses are forced to shut down, they don't need employees

3. Do you even understand what causes inflation? Because your statement certainly implies you do not.

4. Senile Biden's assault on the border letting millions of illegals in is costing every taxpayer in the country money

5. At least you admit you know nothing on this one

6. You don't really understand how a lot of tax related regulations are structured in DC do you? Many bills have an expiration date when things phase out. The Trump tax cuts phase out in 2025 - which is 2 1/2 years away. But you know what - they don't have to phase out. Senile Biden and the Libtards who run the House and Senate can easily pass a bill extending them for another 10 years or more. Ask them why they won't?

7. Your last statement is comical. You even admitted that under Trump we had the lowest unemployment in decades. It was only during a once in a hundred year pandemic, when state governments forced many businesses to shut down putting people out of work that the unemployment rate increased. And Senile Biden did jack shit to create new jobs. All that happened is businesses opened back up again once the vaccines Trump developed under Operation Warp Speed were out
berryberry's Avatar
This is a stunning inflation stat from NBC

According to Moody’s Analytics - compared to a year ago - American households are paying $460 more per month to buy the same amount of goods and services all thanks to Senile Biden and the Democrats in DC who are fucking clueless

Biden did not create one job, he is counting workers who went back after the shutdown. Biden did cause the pipeline and border wall workers to lose their jobs. Gas and oil prices are at an all time high and friends who work in fracking are home without a job to go to. Everything this administration touches turns to shit.