Can't wait for the Primetime Hearings on the June 16 Insurrection

berryberry's Avatar
BREAKING: Nine people linked to Colbert show arrested for illegal entry into Capitol complex building

Will the Stephen Colbert Capitol Insurrectionists be held in squalor in the DC jail for more than a year without a bail hearing? Are they going to be in solitary confinement for months? Or do the laws only apply to Trump supporters. The libtards thought they could get away with this because they’re on the “right” (left) side.
berryberry's Avatar
Jonathon Turley - Jesse Watters just aired a report that a crew with Stephen Colbert were arrested last night at the Capitol and charged with unlawful entry. Two members were mentioned as allowing them into the building, including House Intelligence Chair Adam Schiff...

Rep. Rodney Davis seemed to confirm the basic facts in the segment. While much still have to be confirmed on the details, the charge would be the same as most of those who were arrested in connection to the Jan. 6th riot...
berryberry's Avatar
On the 50th anniversary of the Watergate break-in, Adam Schiff's cronies sneak in Stephen Colbert's staffers and provide unauthorized reconnaissance tours of Republican offices throughout Capitol Hill.

... Adam Schiff let them in!

You gotta wonder WHAT they were doing inside the offices
of Republican Congress-people... Planting devices to
illegally SPY on them - like Hillary did to Trump??

Planting drugs or bombs or something else??

... Anthrax? ... Human feces?? ... One of Joe's soiled nappies??

We'll surely await further developments.

#### Salty
Context matters. You didn't look at the context.

January 6th: Republican terrorists break in to the capital building to try to overthrow the election because their lord and master Trumpster incited them to

June 16th: Interviews were arranged by the congressional aids of interviewees, and the aids failed to get proper clearance. It was a misunderstanding and congressional aids are at fault for this.

But go ahead, make a big deal about it because that is what the fake news outlets are trying to use to change the narrative. Just eat up the fake news, sheeple.
One is an attempted coupe, the other is trying to interview people for a TV show. Totally the same thing, treason against the state. ROFL
berryberry's Avatar
INSURRECTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's what the libtards called Jan 6 even though it was no such thing

There was no coup attempt on Jan 6 nor on June 16

But using your terminology, the Libtard Terrorists on June 16 committed the EXACT SAME CRIME the Jan 6 people did. EXACT SAME CRIME !!!!

Group associated with Stephen Colbert arrested and charged with unlawful entry at Capitol

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You guys are seriously deluded and grasping at any straw that makes what Trump and his mob did on Jan 6 somehow acceptable.

The more you howl, the crazier you sound, if that's possible.
berryberry's Avatar
Stephen Colbert's producers just committed insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

You're ignoring the facts as what happened. No, several interviewers (unarmed and non violent) being lead into the capitol after the people inviting them forgot to get clearance isn't an insurrection.

What's next, claiming that the 9-11 attack was because 'airplanes crashed into the buildings' and not 'the airplanes were hijacked by terrorists'?
berryberry's Avatar
You're ignoring the facts as what happened. No, several interviewers (unarmed and non violent) being lead into the capitol after the people inviting them forgot to get clearance isn't an insurrection.
Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
No, you are the one ignoring the facts. The Colbert insurrectionists were not led into the capital at night and this isn't about someone forgetting clearances. While they may have been in the Capitol earlier that day trying to get interviews, they were kicked out by US Capitol Police because they did not have proper press credentials.

After receiving a call for a disturbance at approximately 8:30 p.m., U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) discovered the group of Colbert insurrectionists who had illegally returned later that night after the Capitol complex was closed to the public. They were unescorted and arrested and charged with Unlawful Entry. This is the same crime most of those who entered on Jan 6 are charged with
... See? ... Context DOES matter!

... Unlawful Entry = trespassing.

### Salty
You guys are seriously deluded and grasping at any straw that makes what Trump and his mob did on Jan 6 somehow acceptable.

The more you howl, the crazier you sound, if that's possible. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
... Blimey! ... You must be new around the Pittsburgh forum.
Did you wander over here just to insult the people here??

... Wait! ... I've seen you over in the political forum!
You put the badmouth on "Yinzers" over there.

... Our rules are a bit tighter here, mate.
Please don't insult the Pittsburgh members here.

### Salty
... Blimey! ... You must be new around the Pittsburgh forum.
Did you wander over here just to insult the people here??

... Wait! ... I've seen you over in the political forum!
You put the badmouth on "Yinzers" over there.

... Our rules are a bit tighter here, mate.
Please don't insult the Pittsburgh members here.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Perhaps the issue is with us, refusing to stick our heads out into the national political forum, instead preferring to scream at each other in our own little Pittsburgh box
... Blimey! ... You must be new around the Pittsburgh forum.
Did you wander over here just to insult the people here??

... Wait! ... I've seen you over in the political forum!
You put the badmouth on "Yinzers" over there.

... Our rules are a bit tighter here, mate.
Please don't insult the Pittsburgh members here.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Right. Insulting people is BerryBerry’s shtick. He needs it to seem smart. Otherwise all he has is trying to compare the Colbert show to people chanting to hang the the Vice President, smearing shit on the walls, breaking windows, attacking police, stealing from the Capitol Building, and trying to sell Pelosi’s laptop to the Russians.

I’m kidding of course. We all know BerryBerry is satire. Just like Carlson’s legal defense, no reasonable person would believe anything he says.
berryberry's Avatar
Right. Insulting people is BerryBerry’s shtick. He needs it to seem smart. Otherwise all he has is trying to compare the Colbert show to people chanting to hang the the Vice President, smearing shit on the walls, breaking windows, attacking police, stealing from the Capitol Building, and trying to sell Pelosi’s laptop to the Russians.

I’m kidding of course. We all know BerryBerry is satire. Just like Carlson’s legal defense, no reasonable person would believe anything he says. Originally Posted by Mistershark
Seems you are the one breaking the rules with your insults and personal attack, not me.

But the topic is "Can't wait for the Primetime Hearings on the June 16 Insurrection". Do you dispute any of the facts posted here - specifically that 9 people associated with Stephen Colber illegally returned to the Capitol later that night after the Capitol complex was closed to the public. They were unescorted and arrested and charged with Unlawful Entry. This is the same crime most of those who entered on Jan 6 are charged with.

Unlawful entry is unlawful entry. You don't get to excuse it when it is convenient for you