Supreme Court Overturns Roe v Wade

berryberry's Avatar
Historic day no matter your position

"Held: The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives."

IMO this rightfully returns the rights to each state to determine their own laws on the issue.

berryberry's Avatar
Now the next step is the DOJ needs to announce a zero tolerance policy for violence right now. They’ve left radical leftists run wild - threatening the Justices, burning pregnancy care centers. No more. Protests are constitutionally protected but violence is not. DOJ must put a stop to it immediately
berryberry's Avatar
LOL - this is funny and a slap at all the woke libtards

Justice Alito says ONLY women can get pregnant in landmark decision, calls abortion “a medical procedure that only one sex can undergo”
Why gee it might just be harder to get an abortion in states where it was already harder to get one, and it just might be easier to get one in a state where it was already easier to get one. Pennsylvania is not restricting abortion anytime soon.
berryberry's Avatar
The REAL insurrection in America

Rep. Maxine Waters: “To hell with the Supreme Court … we will defy them.”

First she should be arrested for encouraging an insurrection. Second, ummmm, someone may want to tell the dumbest person to ever serve in congress that abortion is legal in her state

She is not the only libtard idiot - Reminder: the same exact people running the J6 Show Trial are orchestrating and supporting a violent insurrection against the Supreme Court because of its ruling returning abortion law to the people.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 06-24-2022, 10:43 AM
Why gee it might just be harder to get an abortion in states where it was already harder to get one, and it just might be easier to get one in a state where it was already easier to get one. Pennsylvania is not restricting abortion anytime soon. Originally Posted by RyanJRoe
I believe it was an AP story I read, but, they had PA on the list of states that may restrict it.

Not sure why, but.
berryberry's Avatar
Oh look - Law enforcement lining up in riot gear because everyone knows the libtards are so peaceful, lol

I believe it was an AP story I read, but, they had PA on the list of states that may restrict it.

Not sure why, but. Originally Posted by Devo
It won’t happen now, but if the GOP holds its majorities in both housea of the legislature and Mastriano wins in November, the GOP will be in full control of PA state government. Abortion restrictions certainly are not out of the question if that occurs.
chizzy's Avatar
I will never understand the big deal of this ruling.... libs will scream and pout but it is basically just turning the decision over to each state
berryberry's Avatar
I will never understand the big deal of this ruling.... libs will scream and pout but it is basically just turning the decision over to each state Originally Posted by chizzy
Exactly Chizzy. This is how it always should have been. Federalism 101. It puts the power in the people at each state level rather than forcing a one size fits all solution on everyone
Exactly Chizzy. This is how it always should have been. Federalism 101. It puts the power in the people at each state level rather than forcing a one size fits all solution on everyone Originally Posted by berryberry
Well that is kind of the problem isn’t it? Forcing a top down, one size fits all solution on everyone is kind of the textbook definition of liberalism. Liberals will never be in favor of allowing different groups of people to solve problems their own way — that conflicts with the very core of their world view, which is that there is a single solution to any issue, and that it is the job of government to find and implement that solution.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 06-24-2022, 01:18 PM
Being a Libertarian, I can't say I'm completely happy with this decision, as its telling a female, or "Birthing Person" how to control their body, and, I hope that results in the better use of birth control and some responsibility.

But I fear that won't happen.

Also, I have real issues with the availability of abortions for the welfare queens who are currently using abortions as a means of birth control.

Imagine if every baby mother had six kids instead of three, we pay for it, in that case, I'm not in favor of more unwanted kids costing us more.

The one good thing I see, it pushes Abortion even further away as a talking point to be used against Republicans, and makes the SCOTUS the bad guy.
berryberry's Avatar
SCOTUS did not invalidate a single pro-abortion statute (in contrast to Roe which invalidated nearly every pro-life statute) but restored to pro-life voters the same ability always held by pro-abortion voters: to participate in democracy. This enrages the authoritarian left.
Just remember, there were almost ONE million abortions last year in the U.S. and about 50% were minority babies. Some people think a few thousand Hispanics coming across the border is a crisis - wait till there are an additional 500,000 black babies every year. Are you going to adopt one? Or just pay for them via increased government benefits and thus taxes? Or just wait until they are teenagers with guns to worry about the problem. Don't forget, there is a shooting in Allegheny County EVERY day and you could be a victim.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 06-26-2022, 11:07 AM
Just remember, there were almost ONE million abortions last year in the U.S. and about 50% were minority babies. Some people think a few thousand Hispanics coming across the border is a crisis - wait till there are an additional 500,000 black babies every year. Are you going to adopt one? Or just pay for them via increased government benefits and thus taxes? Or just wait until they are teenagers with guns to worry about the problem. Don't forget, there is a shooting in Allegheny County EVERY day and you could be a victim. Originally Posted by StudMuffinPA
I'm not going to be a victim, because I'm not in your shithole county.

The murder rate in Squirrel Hill isnt going to rise in any case, it will be in the same half dozen neighborhoods its in now.

As for paying for it, we are broke now, its only going to bring the inevitable day it all crashes closer.