The left, insurgents, rioters, looters, and now church burners.

Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 06-27-2022, 12:13 PM
We knew you were rioters and looters after the summer of 2020, but now, you attack the Arizona Senate offices, forcing the use of tear gas, and, the Senators had to hide in fear for their lives, now, you went even lower, burning churches to the ground.

An over 200 year old historic church, but, its no surprise because you tried to burn another in DC in 2020, this time, your ilk succeeded.

Is the left ever going to hit rock bottom?

Ever going to show your faces when you stoop to violence?

Cowards, all of you.
berryberry's Avatar
Make no mistake, Democrats have become a serious threat to the republic.