20 cents off your gas, overpriced food and dead babies.

Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 06-30-2022, 05:58 PM
Giant Eagle Supermarkets said Tuesday it will reimburse expenses for insured employees and family members who have to travel between states for comprehensive healthcare, including access to reproductive care.

So, how many religious people are going to buy from a store that features dead babies paid for with their money?

Seriously, high priced food, overly political owners, owners that are known to pass over Xtians for promotions, and now, paying birthing people to have the children sucked or scraped from their alleged uteri.

I have no issues with individuals doing as they choose, but corporate funded abortions, just no, not with my dollars.

If an employee gets an abortion, do they get Perk Points?
... Mates, I did a bit about this over in the political stump.

The simple reason that grocery - be it Kroger or Giant Eagle
- wants to PUSH abortion is all about the money $$$$$...

Those companys - and other corporations all offour
Health Insure as a benefit, as you lads are well-aware.

So MORE family members on the Insure plans surely mean
MORE of a cost to cover... Abortions for employees then
mean LESS family members on Health Insure... SIMPLE AS THAT.

So by killing the unborn babys - they keep their business costs DOWN.

DrivesAll Day's question is actually NO JOKE.
The mums who abort might even get FREE gift cards for doing so. ...

### Salty
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 07-01-2022, 12:05 PM
... Mates, I did a bit about this over in the political stump.

The simple reason that grocery - be it Kroger or Giant Eagle
- wants to PUSH abortion is all about the money $$$$$...

Those companys - and other corporations all offour
Health Insure as a benefit, as you lads are well-aware.

So MORE family members on the Insure plans surely mean
MORE of a cost to cover... Abortions for employees then
mean LESS family members on Health Insure... SIMPLE AS THAT.

So by killing the unborn babys - they keep their business costs DOWN.

DrivesAll Day's question is actually NO JOKE.
The mums who abort might even get FREE gift cards for doing so. ...

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Keeps them working as well, I'm aware its in part corporate greed, but, its also a sign of corporate sickness.

Think they are going to start giving out doses of morning after pills for free at 50 bucks a pop?
