I must be a nerd....

Does anyone else here watch Big Bang Theory? I'm definitely a Trekkie and a sci fi fan and they have the best nostalgic and tech toys on that show! And it is cute and hilarious. What's some of your favorite things/scenes from the show? One of my favorite episodes and definitely one of my favorite toys is the Star Trek 3D Chessboard. It's a limited edition and retails for about $500.

lol I also downloaded the Pocket Whip on my phone, funny app and can be used in sooo many funny situations.
London Rayne's Avatar
Yea, you're a nerd because I have no clue what that is about bwahahaha.
London I think the Pocket Whip would be a fun toy for you. If you have an Android go to the Google Play store and get it, it's free. Then when you're riding you can pull out your pocket whip. Pussy whip!
London Rayne's Avatar
LMAO...I like that!

London I think the Pocket Whip would be a fun toy for you. If you have an Android go to the Google Play store and get it, it's free. Then when you're riding you can pull out your pocket whip. Pussy whip! Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
Well I am a nerd.. Web designer and I have played on that same chess board in your photo..


I have a real whip and know how to use it!!

Licks to all!
jbravo_123's Avatar
It's always funny when I watch BBT because when they have those Ami-Comi or Women of the DCU statues in the background I'm always noticing the ones we have!
I got that for X-Mas from my best friend to motivate me to learn chess. Haven't yet but it looks awesome on my coffee table.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I love that show. That chessboard is cool as hell too!
Logan135's Avatar
It is pretty freaking funny......as the trek angle goes, rock/paper/scissors/lizard/spock was ha-larious!!
I watch BBT all the time. I love all the old Star Tek episodes.
plainjoe's Avatar
For the Trekkies - which do you prefer and why?
the original - Star Trek - Kirk making out with all the hot ladies - there was that hot blonde yeoman...always in the short red dress
The New Generation - Security Officer Tasha Yar...need I say more?
Enterprise - Vulcan science officer, T'Pol
Voyager - Seven of Nine or the half Klingon engineer, B'Elanna Torres - my choice would be Seven of Nine, but a half Klingon babe?
Deep Space Nine (would this be considered a Star Trek spinoff?)

Any other? So does this make me a nerd too?
I prefer Next Generation. Awesome cast and Patrick Stewart is that hot older guy you see at the coffee shop and just want to molest. Data was so bad ass in his matter-of-factness.

**I also looove Sheldon's Ts. I want some! First I'll order is the melting Rubix cube.

  • Paven
  • 01-29-2013, 08:17 PM