Diner Dates

waverunner234's Avatar
Diner Dates, I've never understood them.
I take girls out for diner all the time. They get the food and drinks for free.
Why would I pay for the time in addition to that?
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Because you don't know the difference between diner and dinner?
thisguy23's Avatar
Because you don't know the difference between diner and dinner? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
I hate this game.

Do you know when to use a question mark? After you ask a question, then a period when you make a statement.

I make all kinds of mistakes, lets dont nit pick.

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-02-2013, 03:06 PM
Diner Dates, I've never understood them.
I take girls out for diner all the time. They get the food and drinks for free.
Why would I pay for the time in addition to that? Originally Posted by waverunner234
Somehow, given how long you have been here, I doubt this is really a question even though you end it with a question mark. I think you are making a statement: you have no desire to pay for a lady's time when the two of you are out for dinner.

And you know what, you don't have to! But THEY then don't have to go out to dinner with you. Just arange for non-dinner time. I can't remember any lady I wanted to see who said, "By the way, you MUST tack on another 90 minutes at the same rate and take me out before we head off to the bedroom". Not a single one.

I have met pleanty of ladies who have joined me for dinner off the clock. I've met pleanty who consider dinner on the clock--often at a reduced price--and I can then decide if I want to include dinner on the agenda or not.

I don't see the problem.
Still Looking's Avatar
I hate this game.

Do you know when to use a question mark? After you ask a question, then a period when you make a statement.

I make all kinds of mistakes, lets dont nit pick.
Originally Posted by thisguy23
Fixed that for you...

I make all kinds of mistakes, let’s knot nitpick.
Still Looking's Avatar
I never pay for OTC time!
waverunner234's Avatar
I don't see the problem. Originally Posted by Old-T
There is no problem, just wanted to see some opinions.
thisguy23's Avatar
I was right once again, told you I make those mistakes all the time.
sexuser's Avatar
Well, I have not taken any providers out for dinner, but I have made dinner and brought it to eat with a provider at her in call. Yes, you still have to pay for what you are fixing, and then you factor in eating time. I have also made small single portion items for a special occasion, and left them for the provider to eat later or even the next day.

I grant you that I have only ever done this for one provider who I have a very good rapport with, but not very often, considering the number of times I have seen her in general for more than one hour at a time. If you fix something that is good, not overly fancy, or too large of quantities, it doesn't cost you as much, or take as much time to prepare and eat, thus saving your overall time. Also, you don't get too full to indulge in each other afterwards. Additionally, if you're a decent cook and make it exceptionally tasty with something special, yet not to pricy to drink, dessert, and perhaps a single flower; the provider can be very grateful and appreciative for being so thoughtful.

Like Emeril always says, "It's a food of love thing." If you bring some good food that you took the time to fix yourself for her, she will often return that attention to detail in a way you will absolutely love. Its all part of a true GFE from a reputable provider/good friend. I don't know, I am not a renowned gourmet chef, but I can make some tasty dishes that are pretty damn good, and don't cost a fortune, if I do say so myself. Besides it's a way I like to let her know how much I have appreciated them for outstanding service to me. And you know what, the provider I have done this has absolutely loved my food.

So take it at it's worth. And like many in the hobby say, YMMV in any case, regardless of what you do or don't do. I just like to cook for special people.
A provider made dinner for me once. I paid for the groceries, but she didn't expect me to pay for the shopping, cooking, or eating time. That was a couple of years ago, that evening is still one of my fondest hobby memories, and she remains my ATF.
I have cooked meals for my guests, they enjoyed the cooking almost as much as they did the cook! BCD is all I ever expected, although some gentleman have tipped the waitress!
Hey Nick I will bring some MREs to Houston.
I never pay for OTC time! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Joe Buck's Avatar
There are those that do NOT charge for dinner dates and those that do........I personally have had lunch and dinner with several providers, hell I have even taken a one on a weekend hunting trip and the only time I pay for is play time. If you are a regular and know them well this should not be an issue.
Just like any other topic concerning the way a lady structures her rates/menu/etc., this is one that is only understood by those who offer these type of arrangements and those who like to partake in these types of arrangements. No matter how much detail one goes into when attempting to explain what seems to be a "phenomenon" of sorts to some, it always comes back to the same conclusion. It just doesn't make sense for/to everyone.