
empire_song's Avatar
OK ladies and gents

I was with a lady a few weeks a go and the protection broke on the vinegar stroke. To cut a long story short the lady claims to be now pregnant and swears I'm the daddy.

I really don't want to go on national TV by the new Jerry Springer or Jeramy Kyle in 20 years time outted by former hooker as the daddy of her child. Nor do I want to really go through airing this in public too much (Obviously) at this time. I think my SO might get a bit p'ed off!

Should just tell her to p@ss off -'it's your problem this is part of your job risk...' sort of thing and no Im not going to give me load of cash to leave me alone.

Or give her 500 bucks (or what ever it is) to get a termination

She is not threading to turn up to my employer or come seek me out or turn up to my house with all her posse to kick the crap out of me either (yet) but I think she may know some not very nice people!

Be interested to hear the opinion of our lady friends out there



What in the world?

First of all, I don't think any advice given here is going to be helpful, because from your post, you already have all the makings of a mark. No one here is going to be able to grow you a pair of brass balls for you to clank around. You have a lot to lose, and from the sound of it, the smell of your sweat when you're interacting with her broadcasts it loudly.

But here's a recent thread detailing a client getting blackmailed by a provider. Maybe that will help.

In the end, I think it matters less what you say than how you say it.

I do know if you're able to get out of this for $500, I'd consider it pennies on the dollar.

Hopefully others can offer more practical advice than me. I just know that on the face of it, it seems like a scam.
shorty's Avatar
1st Step would be show me a postive pregnancy test from a vertified Dr. then we will talk.
bladtinzu's Avatar
Here is a brilliant idea..

Attachment 193617
I'm pretty sure a Todd Akin joke fits in here some where. But in all seriousness, good luck, you sound pretty screwed.
OP, use the link in my post to get in touch with an organization that can help you. Just remember, that it matters not how a girl becomes pregnant, or what she tells you, you will be held responsible until the child is of the age of majority in any state. In Texas, that is 18 years of age.

Don't give her cash to have an abortion as she can just pocket the cash, lie that she had the abortion then show up after the birth to give you all sorts of problems. Get the genetic test offered by the company in my link here so you will have peace of mind.

Also, don’t tell her it is her problem, you will just make her mad. Be nice until it is time not to be nice, and get her to agree to the genetic test that you initially pay for. If it is found that you are not the father, then get her to pay for the test. Under all circumstances, keep the results of the test in a safe place, just in case someone comes calling later in the years. It will be your get out of jail card, although you will have some explaining to do to the SO if she finds out.

I have nothing to do with the organization referenced in the link. I just did a Google search and selected it after reading about a couple of other companies. The test offered seems your best bet since it relies on genetic sampling while not having to undergo risk to the Mom-to-be or the fetus.
ilovedatass's Avatar
good luck
Oh boy...
My advice, first verify she is pregnant and not lying (have her take a test in front of you), then if she is pregnant and you know the condom broke, then there's a chance you are the papa. If she is willing to abort, take her to the clinic and pay for the procedure. Then treat her to a nice lunch or give her a day at the spa to make up for helping her into this mess.
If she is not willing to terminate, then at 5 month she can get an amniocentesis which will have the DNA for a test to see if it's yours. If it is, then you have a lot of figuring out to do.
Good luck, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
shorty's Avatar
Oh boy...
My advice, first verify she is pregnant and not lying (have her take a test in front of you), then if she is pregnant and you know the condom broke, then there's a chance you are the papa. If she is willing to abort, take her to the clinic and pay for the procedure. Then treat her to a nice lunch or give her a day at the spa to make up for helping her into this mess.
If she is not willing to terminate, then at 5 month she can get an amniocentesis which will have the DNA for a test to see if it's yours. If it is, then you have a lot of figuring out to do.
Good luck, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Originally Posted by JessicaKnightly
I agree with it all! Just make sure you go with her to an abort clinic and pay the bill directly, if that's what she wants. Never give her the money to go handle it.

If she decides to keep it and DNA proves its yours, then its time to have a few drinks because its going to be tough to explain to the SO.
Tough to explain to the SO? How about having an unplanned, illegitimate kid running around in this world that you're responsible for?

I have a personal friend who lied to her boyfriend about being pregnant (way before I knew her). He was suspicious, so he insisted that he send the money for an abortion directly to the clinic. However, she's hella charming, so she convinced the abortion clinic to give the money directly to her after he wired it in.

The only point being, don't count on the abortion being performed even if you're sending the money to a clinic.

Also, realize that in Texas, as far as I know, it's the law that she's going to have to watch an ultrasound of the baby and listen to a doctor recite to her the procedure before he/she can administer it. One of the most fucked up laws I've ever heard of.

I've helped a few women through the procedure --- including one girl while we were both in high school --- although I was never the party responsible. Unless she's hard boiled (which she very well may be) it is not an easy thing to go through.
ilovedatass's Avatar
Oh boy...
My advice, first verify she is pregnant and not lying (have her take a test in front of you), then if she is pregnant and you know the condom broke, then there's a chance you are the papa. If she is willing to abort, take her to the clinic and pay for the procedure. Then treat her to a nice lunch or give her a day at the spa to make up for helping her into this mess.
If she is not willing to terminate, then at 5 month she can get an amniocentesis which will have the DNA for a test to see if it's yours. If it is, then you have a lot of figuring out to do.
Good luck, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Originally Posted by JessicaKnightly
The better way is what I first posted. OP, the new DNA testing works, and is usuable without a potential of a miscarriage and within 8 to 12 weeks of conception. The above method is the old estabilshed way that presents the potential of a miscarriage, and would also present a potential objection by the possibly expectant Mom.

Here are three links for your edification -
This link is to a press release from August 2011: :

This link is to he DDC's website and a write up which has a phone nuimber to call the DDC::

This link is to the DDC's website which offers three levels of testing. In your case, I suggest you use the legal one:

Good luck to you.
Still Looking's Avatar
Tell her you want to name the baby... how about Houdini? Then tell her you had a vasectomy! Then watch what happens.... LOL
KatieKatie's Avatar
A provider not on birth control?! That blows my mind. Especially for her not to have ran to CVS for the morning after pill? If this moron is really pregnant make sure she doesn't keep that baby. You will be stuck with stupid for 18 years plus. I wouldn't be surprised if she was lying to you. Totally gross. What is a vinegar stroke? That sounds disgusting.
Vinegar Stroke The point during sexual intercourse where a man is irreversibly about to blow his load. The very worst time to have to cease coitus in an emergency.