Hanoi Jane's Brother needs to be caged in a zoo..

Chung Tran's Avatar
Last Ride's Avatar
Totally uncalled for.
CG2014's Avatar
I see his Facebook page has been removed.

His Twitter page is still up.


He was always a second rate actor getting movies roles only because he was Henry Fonda's son.

His sister Jane would never had become famous as anything if it wasn't for the advent of home video and her workout tape.

It is well known in the home video industry that when home video tape first became available on VHS and Betamax from 1975-1979, it was not well received and it almost died on arrival.

The very first thing that saved it from dying was porn producers used it to make porn mainstream and easily available to be viewed at home.

That lead to sales of VCRs.

Then after VCRs were becoming common household items like your TV and refrigerator, the next thing that made Hollywood take notice that VCRs are money makers, and not something that will infringe on their copyright material movies, was the Jane Fonda's workout video which almost didn't happen when she was offered to do it.

She said okay, I'll do one video but I doubt anyone will buy it.

Other things that Porn did?

Kill Betamax format, made the internet popular during its early days in the 90's, create the online payment systems we use nowadays to order anything online, create the on screen closed captioning system.

Not bad for something that has been around on film since 1896.

Jane was also not a good actress and she also gotten roles only because of her father Henry Fonda.

The only decent movie she'd ever made where she had a lead role in them was Barbarella.

The rest were just boring shit!

It's only fitting that Jane's first academy award was for her role as a prostitute because that's all she was and ever will be.

A whore for Hollywood's elite....

... and a fucking traitor!!

TexTushHog's Avatar
Makes sense to me. Maybe the feckless cunt Ivanka should have her kids put in a cage, too.
texassapper's Avatar
Back when I enlisted they were still selling Jane Fonda: American Traitor Bitch bumper stickers in the PX. Every urinal in the bowling alley at Benning featured one for aiming purposes only.

Probably couldn't do that today...someone might get triggered or some such silly shit.
Get a life Chungitte....
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Makes sense to me. Maybe the feckless cunt Ivanka should have her kids put in a cage, too. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

"Spokesperson for the first lady Stephanie Grisham told The Daily Caller that the Secret Service has been “notified” of the threat."

think you are a good enough lawyer to get him out of hot water with the secret service?

i'm betting NOT.

remember when Madonna ran her feckless cunt pussy hat wearing mouth? how fast did she do a mea culpa when she was told within hours of blabbering her liberal shit that the secret service was investigating and wanted to interview her?

faster than Captain Picard can say "Warp 9!"

Fonda will apologize by tomorrow evening or he'll find himself in a very uncomfortable meeting with the real Men in Black.


The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
make that this morning lol. and he's still in hot water.


Peter Fonda Apologizes for 'Vulgar' Barron Trump Tweet. 'I Went Way Too Far'
Chung Tran's Avatar
Get a life Chungitte.... Originally Posted by Tsmokies
disturbed that your EZ Rider Hero was revealed as a flaming Jackass? you are right, you have no value as a poster.

a 78 year old man using Twitter to spout anti-American buffoonery? pathetic. he will probably skate charges, due to his age and long term lunacy.
  • grean
  • 06-21-2018, 10:37 AM
Makes sense to me. Maybe the feckless cunt Ivanka should have her kids put in a cage, too. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Cmon TushHog,

America isn't about that, no matter whose kid it is. I don't want anyone, Fonda or otherwise, to give supporters of this ridiculous administration's policies any fuel what so ever.

If there isn't any what abouts, they can have their whataboutisms.
We should probably include Ted Nugent, who talked about putting the barrel of a rifle in a President’s mouth and calling a former First Lady (yes, Hillary) a cunt...Holier than thou conservatives forgot that when they gave Samantha Bee a bunch of crap a couple weeks ago. Let’s make sure to include all the conservative commentators who said they were in favor of taking up arms against the government if Clinton was elected. Or...just cherry pick.
pyramider's Avatar
Oh make no mistake, Peter Fonda will be interviewed and investigated.
JoeBlowragman's Avatar
yea..nothing like a nazi in the white house selling us out to russia and north korea and turning our backs on our allies huh...lol...
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Now that was uncalled form Peter ..
DFWClubgoer's Avatar
I’m glad the liberals are the inclusive and compassionate people in the US. We’re lucky to have you to point out the deplorable feckless cunts that are ruining this country. With the compassion you have; Hilter, Stalin and Pol Pot are sitting in hell cheering you on and saving you a seat. Disagreeing with someone does not make them evil, calling them natzis and feckless cunts luckily for you doesn’t make you evil; Just ignorant, belligerent and ☠️Toxic☠️. Good for you, way to let that intellect shine!
