Ex-Im Bank and the Essence of Socialism

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Briefly suspending their warnings about the rising tide of socialism, a large majority of Senate Republicans recently joined with almost all their Democratic colleagues in affirming the essence of socialism, which is government allocation of capital. The Senate’s revival of the Export-Import Bank is a redundant reminder that the rhetorical discord between the parties exaggerates their actual differences.

Between 2015 and the Senate’s recent confirmation of three board members, Ex-Im has been without a quorum and hence unable to approve guarantees of large loans (those over $10 million). So, we have had a sustained test of the theory that Ex-Im is vital to U.S. exporting in general, and to the few giant corporations that get the lion’s share of benefits from Ex-Im’s subsidies of foreign entities. The theory has been slain by many facts.

sigh, they won't kill it.
They should only support exports from taxpaying American corporations.