Current Events 1: So not cool, but kinda funny. What's your take, jail or not?

Yay! I finally learned how to post pics from my android.

Here's a story I found this morning (I gave up mainstream. news sources a long time ago) on So my. question folks, what are your thoughts on this? I wouldn't ever do it to mine, or anyone else's for that matter, but I was having my morning coffee and almost lost it.

Toddler duct-taped to wall: Mother and boyfriend off to jail after pics seen on My Space|

Two teenagers were sentenced to jail after duct- taping a 22-month-old child to the wall. The pictures—here with the child’s face obscured—show him stuck to the wall at uncomfortable angles and with tape directly on his bare skin. The mother, Jayla Hamm, 18, was sentence to 10 days in jail and two years’ probation, while her boyfriend, 19-year-old Corde Honea, received a sentence of 36 to 60 months in prison—as well as separate sentences for burglary and possession of a firearm.

Besides taping the kid, Hamm and Honea taped his favorite sippy cup to the wall just out of his reach. They also appear to have taped his fists closed. The police say they were high; either way, their expressions in the photos don’t reflect people who quite understand that two-year-olds are not toys. (The boy’s expression, which you can’t see, was described by the prosecuting attorney as “terrified.”) The abuse came to light when Hamm—”momma hamm” on MySpace, where her mood is “depressed”(I’ll bet)——showed the photos to a friend, who had the good sense to tell police. The kid will remain in his mother's custody under state supervision.
LexusLover's Avatar
Personally, I think using that awful green tape to make it look like gift wrapping should have enhanced their sentence.
the parents should be taped to the wall of the jail, with the key just out of reach.
it is one thing to do it to yourself IE, all those idiots who duct tape themselves or assorted friends, but not to a 2 year old or any kid.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 10-06-2010, 09:22 AM
THAT aughta fix those problems during the "terrible two's"!

Kiddin people, only kiddin.
Timk48's Avatar
I agree the two adults, which is a questionable misnomer in itself, ought to get as good as they gave.
boardman's Avatar
If I was that kid I would have been reaching for the wall plug instead. The parents should be jailed for putting Nebraska shit on their kid.
Guess it's more effective that a "time out" in a corner...just sayin'...
I would've done the sippy cup thing, but not him.
AshrDashr's Avatar
Grrrrrrr! People like this are reasons to require a license to have kids.

Maybe funny in high school but not with babies/toddlers. It's cruel.

Sorry, I'm very protective of children.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Jail plain and simple. If someone did that to my kid I would be in jail
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Not jail. Give 'em some kind of Ted Poe special, maybe something involving itching powder while immobilized in stocks (so they can't scratch) in full view of the public, who are free to spit and jeer.

A couple hours of that shit, they never again will torment an innocent helpless person. Trouble is the friggin' ACLU would call it cruel and unusual. Yep, so it would be. Sounds about right to me though.

I'd prefer to take an old-timey beatdown myself, if it would keep me out of the system. Looks like once you get stuck in that thing you don't ever get unstuck.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
It breaks my heart just to hear my baby cry. There's no possible way I could do this to her. What a horrible thing to do to this little man.
Touche. Thanks you guys for responding. Just one event out of a few I'm going to ask your opinion on.
  • anita
  • 10-07-2010, 01:06 AM
omg! What were they thinking! It is awful to treat a kid like that.