Current Events 2: Face Ridicule or Certain Death.. why choose one? Again, jail or not?

Rutgers University student jumps off George Washington Bridge after being filmed having sex being filmed having sex with a man

Tyler Clementi, 18, who was studying at Rutgers University in New Jersey, from the USA,*jumped from the George Washington Bridge. He posted a final message on the social networking website Facebook, which read: “Jumping off the gw bridge sorry.” Paul Mainardi, a lawyer for his family said: “Tyler was a fine young man and a distinguished musician. The family is heartbroken beyond words.”

His driver’s licence and university identification card were found in a wallet left on the bridge on Sep 22 after two witnesses saw someone jump. His body has not been recovered. Fellow students Dharun Ravi, who was. Clementi’s room-mate, and Molly Wei have been charged with invasion of privacy and could face up to five years in prison if convicted. They are accused of placing a camera in the room and streaming the images straight on to the internet. In a message posted on microblogging website Twitter on Sep 19 Ravi allegedly said: “Roommate asked for the room till midnight. I went into molly’s room and turned on my webcam. I saw him making out with a dude. Yay.”

Steven Goldstein, chairman of the gay rights group Garden State Equality, said his group considers Clementi’s death a hate crime. He said: “We are heartbroken over the tragic loss of a young man who, by all accounts, was brilliant, talented and kind.“And we are sickened that anyone in our society, such as the students allegedly responsible for making the surreptitious video, might consider destroying others’ lives as a sport.”

Thoughts on this one? It kinda reminds me of our forum in an obscure way... how one with other interests (strap on play, T/S) catch flack from others whose houses are made of the same fragile glass. I am looking forward to responses. Daphne
AshrDashr's Avatar
Public flogging, naked, streamed live on the internet, might be sufficient. Then some jail time to become someone else's bitch for a while.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
This is so said. I hope some how what his roommate did is considered a jailable offence.
It is. I feel so bad for the Guy. A promising life thrown away for naught. Its obvious he had serious self esteem issues that should've been addressed.
Tony Montana's Avatar
I'm sure college kids play pranks like that or worse every day. I doubt the pranksters would've ever imagined that the kid was going to kill himself. It's not right to say these guys are to blame for the death.