The " P " word

Thank you ...
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
Pretty? Pussy? Prometheus? Which "P" word are you referring?
Was intrigued to find a thread started about penguins. Then thought that cant be right, perhaps potatoes, or in context to the environment, padoodledoo. Then I realized that this is in regards to the woefully under-used magic word, and applaud the effort to dedicate a thread to it.

Chivalry ain't quite dead yet.


Totally kidding.


illuminati's Avatar
Is it "please" as in being polite and using "please" and "thank you" in conversation?
Patootie? Passion? Puddin'? Portal? Potential?

Pleasingly plump?

i thought everyone knew what the "P" stood for????..."PINEAPPLES"
fun2come's Avatar
Positives :-) ..... My fav 3Ps: patient, polite, persistent
Negatives: pathetic, pissed, and .....
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico volcanocon (should be one word)
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-05-2013, 03:38 PM
Phartz...come on guys, remember who started the thread.
Reincarnated's Avatar
If Purty Baby started the thread it has to be Poop.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers?
Lmao @ Toyz & Reincarnated
runswithscissors's Avatar
Ladies, dudes; this one is easy as pie....

" purty please, may I have another?"

O.K. I won, right? am I right? I have to be right! yes? no? close? tell me im close...

your welcome......
manuatu's Avatar
Purty Phat Poonanny
Txfundude's Avatar
PAID! What cha gotta do to get paid?