the cute papi does not honor review specials

I had a appointment scheduled with the cute papi for my first review. At the last minute he tried to offer me $200 via text to cell instead of the agreed upon $260 so I thought I was being smart and said do $220 with a same day review for a $40 discount instead of losing a client while building up a solid reputation. Session went well but then I wake up this morning to no review posted. I contact him to see why it has not been done and to stop by to pay me the extra $40 for not honoring his word and his response was relax ill do it. The only reason I was willing to lose $40 was for a same day review so other members would want to see me and so I could get verified. I have other members who want to see me but will not until someone reviews me which really sucks. To top it off he says if I expose him I will get banned which I guess he thinks because I'm new I won't know any better lol. His attitude towards the whole situation really sucked. I'm not saying he is a bad guy but ladies I wouldn't offer him a review special for less.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I'm not going to go into detail about what I'm thinking right now but the bottom line is ... you need to think of the whole picture when dealing with clients ... and posting topics such as the one that you did.

$40 is a lot of money. I know. But ... you're trying to build up a client base, right?

How does this topic look to others looking in? Everything that you post on Eccie, and other boards, reflect on you, personally.

Frankly, I would ask the moderators in your area to move your concern to the infoshare area and also, quickly ask to be a verified provider as soon as your able so that you can see that area of Eccie.

Then the ladies in the private areas can offer you some additional sage advice. Many of the ladies in Houston are sincerely helpful.

Also, I'm not a big fan of review specials. Men will write reviews when they feel the need to or they just want to. Offering specials often backfires. You cannot MAKE someone write a review.

And if you saw him last night, he could have had family to go home to, etc. I know, he promised, right? I understand.

But now, you've started this topic and now .. he could feel alienated and won't write the review. It becomes a vicious circle.

Anyway, good luck. I mean that.

Hopefully, you'll get a review posted soon.

And the lesson got today is.....don't offer review specials.
Sorry, something came up last night. Jesus Christ I didn't expect this. I even posted on her welcome thread on the fly saying she's legit and awesome...
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Sorry, something came up last night. Jesus Christ I didn't expect this. I even posted on her welcome thread on the fly saying she's legit and awesome... Originally Posted by the cute papi
You seem to be a man of experience. She seems to be very new to this world. Consider that when you're feeling upset.

I know that men love to find diamonds in the rough. And she does look completely lovely. But often, when a female is learning this business, she makes a few fundamental mistakes.

Hopefully, this will work itself out and not become drama ridden. At the end of the day, it's not a big deal. Although in her defense, to someone trying to get her proverbial sea legs, the first review is just a REALLY huge thing.

Well ... off to work I go!

tbone77494's Avatar
Remember the chick whose review special meant as soon as your were done screwing she opened her laptop and had you write the review before you left the shitty notel? Anyway, to rent-a-hottie, this was a bad move on your part. Sorry, but you gotta give us fucktards more than a day to get a review posted before you get pissed off and post this. A bunch of potential biz just scratched you from their list.

Best advice is to spend some time reading on here and find a few legit ladies who don't mind giving legit advice, and then follow it. Better luck next time.
Everybody has to learn.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 05-28-2014, 09:55 AM
Yes give a guy 24 hours on same day. Then send a pm if nothing has been done. Give it another 12-24 hours before you post this shit. Some of us need recovery time after you break us off a nice piece of ass.
\/ \/ \/ yesterday at 7:12p \/ \/ \/

Just got done with a session with her. She's absolutely amazing review tonight Originally Posted by the cute papi
EW gave you some great empathy and advice. I know he agreed and then failed to follow through. However, you are a business woman and must think and behave as such. I know it isn't "fair" but we all learned in grade school that life isn't fair. All you can do is learn from this experience. No mistake is ever bad if you learn from it. Learn not to give review specials. Just take the business as it starts trickling in, and politely ask EVERY guy with whom you had a good time to write a review. Eventually someone will. Don't give a discount hoping for it, because as you've just seen, some won't follow through. Just ask. Nicely.

Another alternative (which I don't really recommend, but I've heard of ladies doing it) is to contact a well-known reviewer who seems to like your type and offer him a great deal to come see you, offer you some tips, and write a review. You know he does write them, so you're more likely to get the review out of the deal.

But more than that, shift your thinking. Posting this was you thinking as a woman who felt cheated and mistreated. Stop that. Think like the business owner that you are. Before you posted this, you should have asked yourself, "What are the probable outcomes of this post?" The answers should have been something like: "He surely won't write the review now, so that's gone" "It might scare other guys off because I could come off as demanding and emotional" "It will offer me extra exposure and possibly boost interest in me." From those conclusions, you should have decided NOT to post this thread, and instead post something less combative. "Advice on how to get my first review" might have been a much better thread to start, just mentioning that you're having a hard time getting one and people are not really following through on their end would have been less combative and made your plight clear.

As for offering the warning to the rest of us ladies, we already know that most of the guys that troll the welcome wagon are bottom feeders (sorry, the cute papi, I'm not actually talking about you specifically here, just a general impression of the forum). They don't typically see well established ladies because we won't offer them unreasonable rates in exchange for promises of reviews, won't cave to pressure and expand our menu because "all the other girls do it and you'll never make it unless you do," nor do we put up with any of the other bad behavior they sometimes pull. Welcome Wagon is trial by fire. You'll grow a spine or you'll get chewed up and spit out. All of us established ladies know this. It is you who needed the heads up.

None of this is meant to sound harsh, love. I just want you to start thinking in business terms, not personally. You'll run a much better business and make a lot more money if you can do that.
I'm the newbie and he's the member which seems to make everything acceptable, I'm so sorry eccie that Iposted on a guy who screwed me out of $40 and review. Clearly im wrong lol. Keep up the good work papi
ZedX79's Avatar
Well at least someone got screwed.
bladtinzu's Avatar
I'm the newbie and he's the member which seems to make everything acceptable, I'm so sorry eccie that Iposted on a guy who screwed me out of $40 and review. Clearly im wrong lol. Keep up the good work papi Originally Posted by rent a hottie
With this attitude you are not going to go far slinging pussy.. Give the guy 24 hours to do the damn review. If not done then come back and cry some more.
I'm the newbie and he's the member which seems to make everything acceptable, I'm so sorry eccie that Iposted on a guy who screwed me out of $40 and review. Clearly im wrong lol. Keep up the good work papi Originally Posted by rent a hottie
With this attitude you are not going to go far slinging pussy.. Give the guy 24 hours to do the damn review. If not done then come back and cry some more. Originally Posted by bladtinzu
I agree with Blad, could have saved this situation and said something like this...

oooops, I should have been more patient, I'm just so eager to get verified so I can see you guys!

You could have also searched papi's posts and you would have seen his stamp of approval.

This isn't good, but perhaps the gents here will give you one last chance...and papi's is a pretty legit dude...I'm guessing he'll stick to his word regardless.

Now go reread Elizabeth's post, please. And perhaps your next post will be a bit different. Don't shoot yourself in the foot because you're a little annoyed...
Plus same day, in my opinion, equals 24 hours...