Adam and Eve .... hhhmmm

Adam and Eve ... well, what can we say about those nudists?

So, what .... God said ... here is some delicious fruit and if you eat it, you're going to know everything about pleasure.

How do you resist that?

I often wonder .... was EVE truly the culprit?
Like Adam didn't benefit from the experience?

Why do we women get blamed for the crime?

Last Ride's Avatar
The Bible was written by sexist Men.
mark77070's Avatar
1 Timothy 2:14--And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. So Ms.Tames has spoken correctly. It's not Eve's fault.

Adam knew better, but like a lot of men, myself included, he was thinking with his d*ck and not with his brain and he took one look at the woman (she was probably holding the fruit right in front of her pu$$y) and he grabbed the fruit and took a big bite out of it and that was that. Incidentally, Romans 5 relates how we're all born with Adam's original sin, not Eve's original sin. So it's not a matter of sexism. And the women are not getting blamed, the men are.
DownForWhatever's Avatar
...leaving out one character...The Serpent...who spoke directly to Eve, not Adam...he was watching porn
shooter6.5's Avatar
At this point in my life I try to think with my tongue..

Seems to work well for me..
bobbyb1234's Avatar
There's a very valid reason why there are two stories of creation. The first woman created for Adam was Lilith. She was created as an equal to Adam and made of clay/dust. She was cast out of the garden because she wanted to ride Adam on top. Not sure if it was CG, RCG, or ACG, but it was enough for her to get expelled to the land of non.

Second woman, Eve, was pulled from Adam's rib. She's more submissive in her intentions. Being this way, she was more susceptible to the devil's temptations. Eve was tempted with the apple, ate it, then talked her pussy whipped husband to take a bite too. They both broke the only rule god gave them, and doomed humanity ever since.

A woman, who is a true equal to her man, emotionally, spiritually and physically will always create a stable life for both. A woman who is subservient, and follows her husband (right or wrong) can always be tempted. Leviticus and Deuteronomy try to fix the issues Eve caused to humanity.

That's, of course, if you believe the fairy tales of the bible.
Great Responses!
I'm impressed with the "quoting of the scriptures".

Kinda reminds me of the tent revivals in Oklahoma ...

Well, why didn't Lilith, Eve and Adam just all get together and have a threesome?
I mean ... if you're gonna get in trouble, might as well make it worth it, right?

And what's up with this "serpent" thing ...
I guess it's representative of several things.
Was it 4in ... 6in... or 12in?
I mean, I know it was supposed to be "the devil", so would all penises be "the devil" ?

If it was Moses who wrote Genesis, he sounds kinda like a pervert

Grape or fig leaves ... that doesn't sound to comfortable either. WTH?

Lastly, because of what we know how Religion is used as a convenient way to skirt around pedophilia and other sex acts .... well, perhaps the bible is the best porno publication ever.
bobbyb1234's Avatar
Lastly, because of what we know how Religion is used as a convenient way to skirt around pedophilia and other sex acts .... well, perhaps the bible is the best porno publication ever. Originally Posted by Torre Tames
Statistically, children are 100x more likely to be molested by teachers/school personnel than religious personnel. It get's amplified in the media because it's more "culturally appropriate" to make fun of and demean celebate men and women than it is to demean teachers.

Best thing about the bible is "King" David, who got Bathsheba pregnant, then tried to get her husband to fuck her so he can raise the baby. Her husband refused, David sent him to the front lines of the war to get killed. David married her, had the baby. Then later, his own son raped ten of his fathers concubines (that's the ten fold revenge). Bible is full of perverted acts like these.

Whenever some uber religious wants to talk about hobbying as being a sin, ask them where Samson was before he met Delilah! (at the harlots (whore) house)

Funny fairy tales written by funny men, in funny little hats.
Good morning sweetness. Been a long time. Butch
Ralph Fults's Avatar
Statistically, children are 100x more likely to be molested by teachers/school personnel than religious personnel. It get's amplified in the media because it's more "culturally appropriate" to make fun of and demean celebate men and women than it is to demean teachers.

Best thing about the bible is "King" David, who got Bathsheba pregnant, then tried to get her husband to fuck her so he can raise the baby. Her husband refused, David sent him to the front lines of the war to get killed. David married her, had the baby. Then later, his own son raped ten of his fathers concubines (that's the ten fold revenge). Bible is full of perverted acts like these.

Whenever some uber religious wants to talk about hobbying as being a sin, ask them where Samson was before he met Delilah! (at the harlots (whore) house)

Funny fairy tales written by funny men, in funny little hats. Originally Posted by bobbyb1234

As Dan Savage said “If as many children got raped at Denny’s restaurants as they do in Catholic Churches, Denny’s would be shut down”