Katie on Adult Search

Anybody have any info on Katie
Are these ads worth checking out? Don’t seem to find many of these ladies reviewed here.
Man 2 hours have passed and none of the regulars have abused you yet? They must be slipping. I will let them get you for the placement but is that an honest question about the ad? If that ad is legit I will pay for your overnight!
lilylivered's Avatar
Yep, pretty girl, cheap rates, out town area code on a shit site
All add up to some kind of scam about 99%
Space Ace's Avatar
Reverse image search is your friend.

https://hot.com/us/ca/los-angeles/es...98-6519/m-QzCs Originally Posted by Space Ace
So, uou’re sayin’ she’s bi. Coastal.
joelove69's Avatar