CNN This poll number will send Democrats into a panic

  • oeb11
  • 09-03-2021, 05:22 AM

The single biggest indicator of how the 2022 midterm elections will go for the two parties is how the public thinks about President Joe Biden.
© Adobe Stock Which, ugh, if you are a Democratic candidate looking toward trying to win a race in a swing district or state come that November.
The latest bad news on that front came Thursday in a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll. Biden's approval in the survey slid all the way to 43%, a drop of 6 points in a single month. His disapproval, not surprisingly shot up 7 points to 51%.
Those numbers for Biden -- and Democrats -- are bad. Obviously. But there's another number buried in that question that should worry them even more.

Video: 'Hell no, Bernie': Manchin reveals talk with Sanders about key bill (CNN)

Current Time 1:03

Duration 2:25
'Hell no, Bernie': Manchin reveals talk with Sanders about key bill

And it's this: 41% of people said they strongly disapprove of the job Biden is doing, while just 19% strongly approve of how he is handling his job as president.

What that number suggests is that there is a major passion gap between the two party bases. Democrats like Biden -- some even love him. But Republicans HATE him, with 82% saying they strongly disapprove of how he is doing the job.
That sort of energy disparity between the two party bases is, if history is any guide, a recipe for disaster for Democratic candidates for Congress.
This, from Gallup's Jeffrey Jones, is illustrative of that -- ahem -- point:
"In Gallup's polling history, presidents with job approval ratings below 50% have seen their party lose 37 House seats, on average, in midterm elections. That compares with an average loss of 14 seats when presidents had approval ratings above 50%."
Recent history affirms that trend. With his approval ratings in the low 40s (at best) then-President Donald Trump's Republican Party got thumped in the 2018 midterms. Republicans lost 40 House seats -- and their majority.
The Point: The best news for Biden and his party is that it's September 2021, not September 2022. If his job approval numbers in a year's time are anywhere near where they are today, Democrats will likely be facing a wave perched to come crashing down on them on Election Day.

My, My -even Xinn has reservations about November. 2022 .
A new Rallying cry against teh DPST marxist revolution: "Hell No - Bernie"!!!!!!!

minions will now screech and Howl unintelligibly
  • oeb11
  • 09-03-2021, 05:31 AM
I wonder what SR response will be??
Never mind - Minions only believe Xinn and what is consonant with their marxist revolutionary narrative.
ICU 812's Avatar
Panic? Yes there are Democrats who will be distraught. However I think that as the President's approval ratings decline there will be a quiet push to replace him.

I look for pressure to be put on Mr. Biden's direct handlers to set him up to fail in a dramatic and very public way. In his senior citizen state of decline, he needs rest, preparation and probably serious medication before any public appearance. Intentionally neglecting any of his pre-event support, could leave him hanging out to twist in the wind. . . . or to a physical collapse on-camera.

He will appear to be so incapable of functioning as an executive that everyone that is needed will sign on to a 25th Amendment action to replace him.

The real jockeying will then be who to appoint as Vice President as was done when replacing VP Spiro Agnew with Sen. Gerald Ford before Nixon resigned. That person and his/hers suporters will be the real power behind the throne moving forward.
Lol. Silliness. Only people who even mention the 25th Amendment is right wing radio. No one else ever mentions it. That’s been put in right wingers head since before the election and now it’s their ghost. No one is going to invoke any 25th. Biden is not going to resign. None of that is in the cards.
bambino's Avatar
Lol. Silliness. Only people who even mention the 25th Amendment is right wing radio. No one else ever mentions it. That’s been put in right wingers head since before the election and now it’s their ghost. No one is going to invoke any 25th. Biden is not going to resign. None of that is in the cards. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Ah, no. Pelosi mentioned it.

“Not for President Trump”
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
First, it is a single poll and not too much faith should be put into a single poll. Second, yes, Biden's approval rating has taken a turn for the worse over the last 2 months. 538 has Biden -2.7%.

There is quite a bit of time (14 months) before the midterm elections but unless Biden turns things around, it could be a long night for Democrats November 8, 2022. Even before Biden's approval rating drop I predicted Republicans would regain the House but Democrats would hold the Senate. Too early to make real projections on the Senate races.
bambino's Avatar
Ah, no. Pelosi mentioned it.

“Not for President Trump” Originally Posted by bambino
Not for Biden either.
bambino's Avatar
Not for Biden either. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Then who was she talking about? Don’t be naive. If the Dems had 51 senators Biden would be gone. They’re working overtime to hide Bide while Harris stays as far away from him as possible. Biden left DC yesterday again. That makes 20 times already. Harris scrammed to Viet Nam during the Afghanistan collapse. Open your eyes.
rexdutchman's Avatar
No they will not believe the polls now ,,Hmm
bambino's Avatar
Joe Biden goes to Delaware because there are no visitor logs there like the ones in The White House... HE'S MEETING WITH HIS REAL BO$$ES!!!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Lol. Silliness. Only people who even mention the 25th Amendment is right wing radio. No one else ever mentions it. That’s been put in right wingers head since before the election and now it’s their ghost. No one is going to invoke any 25th. Biden is not going to resign. None of that is in the cards. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

You are right, none of that will happen as long as Democrats hold the House but what happens if, when the Republicans retake the House? What would stop them from impeaching Biden not for any great crime because Democrats "convinced" us that an actual crime need not have been committed, just being "un-Presidential" would seem to be enough for the opposing party so if that's the game, by all means, let's play the game. We impeach Biden with 2 years left and unable to move anything out of the House and if the Republicans take back one seat in the Senate, McConnell will see to it that "nothing moves" through the Senate, not judges, nobody to election 2024.

Remember that phone call that got a President impeached for using an illegal quid to quo, some say, for asking a foreign leader to lie for the President to CYA? Well seems as though it has happened again but funny thing is, no Democrats are calling for impeachment for unduly trying to convince a foreign leader to lie for the US.

TRUTH: In fact, Biden knew the Taliban were overtaking the Afghan government — and asked Ghani to lie about it. The perception “is that things are not going well in terms of the fight against the Taliban,” Biden said. “And there is a need, whether it is true or not, there is a need to project a different picture.” Ghani gave him the facts: “We are facing a full-scale invasion, composed of Taliban, full Pakistani planning and logistical support, and at least 10-15,000 international terrorists, predominantly Pakistanis thrown into this.” Biden ignored them.

Isn't that exactly what Trump was accused of doing asking a foreign leader to "come up with something", whether true or not as long as Biden gets the result he wants? Not a dime's bit of difference between Trump and Biden on this issue except that Trump never asked the President of Ukraine, as he later testified and could not be heard on the phone call asking the President to do something he shouldn't do. Biden just did and of course CNN and MSNBC are acting like the phone call never happened but there it is.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Biden is doing a great job.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Jello an chief got this LOL ,,, Dark winter coming ,,I wonder when Jen Jens is gonna stop taking questions
They be running outa lies
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You are right, none of that will happen as long as Democrats hold the House but what happens if, when the Republicans retake the House? What would stop them from impeaching Biden not for any great crime because Democrats "convinced" us that an actual crime need not have been committed, just being "un-Presidential" would seem to be enough for the opposing party so if that's the game, by all means, let's play the game. We impeach Biden with 2 years left and unable to move anything out of the House and if the Republicans take back one seat in the Senate, McConnell will see to it that "nothing moves" through the Senate, not judges, nobody to election 2024.

Remember that phone call that got a President impeached for using an illegal quid to quo, some say, for asking a foreign leader to lie for the President to CYA? Well seems as though it has happened again but funny thing is, no Democrats are calling for impeachment for unduly trying to convince a foreign leader to lie for the US.

TRUTH: In fact, Biden knew the Taliban were overtaking the Afghan government — and asked Ghani to lie about it. The perception “is that things are not going well in terms of the fight against the Taliban,” Biden said. “And there is a need, whether it is true or not, there is a need to project a different picture.” Ghani gave him the facts: “We are facing a full-scale invasion, composed of Taliban, full Pakistani planning and logistical support, and at least 10-15,000 international terrorists, predominantly Pakistanis thrown into this.” Biden ignored them.

Isn't that exactly what Trump was accused of doing asking a foreign leader to "come up with something", whether true or not as long as Biden gets the result he wants? Not a dime's bit of difference between Trump and Biden on this issue except that Trump never asked the President of Ukraine, as he later testified and could not be heard on the phone call asking the President to do something he shouldn't do. Biden just did and of course CNN and MSNBC are acting like the phone call never happened but there it is. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
With all due respect, I think that there is a major difference in asking the leader of another country to lie, if it is in fact true, when there is nothing to be gained from that lie other than saving face. Biden did not break the law.If Trump asked the leader of another country to improperly help him boost his chances for reelection, that is wrong no matter how you look at it.

"President Trump was accused of breaking the law by pressuring Ukraine's leader to dig up damaging information on a political rival.

In July 2019, he urged his Ukrainian counterpart to investigate one of the frontrunners to take him on in the 2020 presidential election. This mattered, opposition Democrats said, because it is illegal to ask foreign entities for help in winning a US election. He says he has done nothing wrong."