nasty weather!!!

DallasRain's Avatar

I made it home from New Orleans thru the nasty tornados in Memphis & get home to this nasty storm here...ugggghhhhh I hate cold & stormy weather......I have been stuck in this house all weekend with a 5 year old grandkid....going stir crazy! lol

But thankfully no flooding in my neighborhood,so tomorrow I am gonna brave this weather & the crowds and take the 5 year old grandkid to see Star Wars!!!

How is everyone else doing???

Hopefully no flooding at your house....

STAY safe...warm & dry everyone!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm happy you made it home and that your home is okay. Hope you enjoy the movie.
  • katee
  • 12-28-2015, 07:38 AM
Glad you made it home safely. I'm so tired of this weather. I have some rain issues in my home, but not flooded or major like so many. Enjoy your grandchild! Stay warm. Stay safe.
DallasRain's Avatar
have a great monday!!!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Don't talk to me about Mondays. I had the last two weeks off. Not only that, but usually I take the last week of the year (i.e., between Christmas and New Year's) off work... this is literally the first time in over a decade I've worked the last week of the year... so I have an especially gruesome case of the Mondays today (I'll get over it).

A week ago tomorrow I was in St. Louis, and I got a chance to accompany my (pregnant) daughter and son-in-law to their appointment for an ultrasound. That was the visit where we learned the sex of the fetal grandsprog: they're going to have a baby girl. I've already told my daughter that if my grandchild can't configure a wi-fi router before she's in kindergarten, I'll consider myself a failure as a grandfather... Fortunately my daughter's also a geek, so she has no problem with that. (FWIW, my fetal grandsprog is 20 weeks old today; my daughter's due May 16 of next year.)

I tried going to see the new Star Wars last Saturday (day before yesterday), but the line was too long for my taste, so I gave up on that idea and instead had lunch at a favorite Mexican restaurant I hadn't been to in way too long. I'm glad I did; it was good. I figure I'll see the new Star Wars in a week or two; I'm sure it'll be around a while.

Not even back on the office for four hours, and already I'm looking forward to the long holiday weekend. Go look up "bad attitude" in the dictionary, and you'll see my picture there.

Y'all keep dry and warm.


For the first time ever I woke up to a wet basement floor. Like Katee, nothing major and it's all tile so outside of dragging the throw rugs to the garage to dry out over saw horses and some wet vac work it should be ok. I think I brought some of it on myself as the corners that seeped are wear the downspouts are. The extensions I had on them for draining the water away were in a state of dis-repair. Teach me for not keeping up with exterior maintenance. So $50 later and the cost of a work pto day...ahem. Bring on the sun!