"Quadroons" (not my word) commanded the highest price at the brothels at one point in history, and white women would sometimes pretend to be part black to command the higher prices. This was a very unusual place. The brothels here were the birthplace of jazz.
Another interesting customs were the quadroon balls (like debutante balls). The quadroon women would "marry" white men. The men had to prove their financial status. The women would get contracts for houses (with white picket fences which amuses me), businesses and other luxuries. They were mistresses with more rights and freedoms, there was no intermarriage in those days. Sometimes this ended with the man's marriage. Sometimes they loved each other.
This was in the days of slavery, but there were many free blacks in New Orleans.
The "Blue Book" is the tourist guide I mentioned earlier, with descriptions of the charms of prostitutes no different than if the prostitutes were actresses. The prostitutes were more popular, in fact.
I love the history of this city!