
redlobos6's Avatar
I know we recently had a discussion about Provider review but it was more on the lines of the type of reviews and if you should give a "No or Yes" recommendations. I want to talk more about where to find reviews and why it is important to give them.

1. Being new to the hobby. I pretty much had to give reviews if I want to see some of the really good independents providers. I still remember my first provider. I had to pretty much give blood to see her since I had never been with a provider before. Agency are easier to get approved but most independents don't accept them as a references because they can't talk to the girl directly. In my time getting to know the site, and some of the providers, I have come to really appreciate the reviews and now I feel they are extremely important.

My opinions:
1. I really wish everyone would give a review and I now feel personally obligated to post one each time. One, for a new person it is the only way to get to see more providers. Not everyone of the providers are easy to contact and if your new provider cannot contact them, you will not see her.

2. As a customer and especially new to the hobby, it is important to know some of the valuable information that you find in a proper review. Information like how to contact the provider, what type of incall do they have, their verification process and yes, What types of activities they provide. I believe this type of information is very helpful.

3. Reviews also put Providers at the top of the Discussion pages. When I go on the site the first thing you see is the current weeks reviews. I know when I read them, I naturally gravitate to those providers for a session.

4. I wish there was more agency reviews. They have several girls and I know they are working but I can't find hardly any review on them to see if their girl are a match for me. I have been lucky that the currently Banned Ms. Annie, has talked with me several time and knows me well enough to match me with Providers she believes I would enjoy, but I can't always depend on getting some one her to help me. Please write guys....Also, since I am mostly new, are their other places beside this one that people would post reviews on agency?

Lastly, what do you all think? Am I way off base or do I have a point.

Thanks in advance for your comments

Always hunting...
LA Man's Avatar
Writing a review every time can get mundane, especially when repeatedly seeing a provider. I have seen a few providers 2-3 times in a month, who wants to read La Man’s reviews that are almost identicle with maybe an added activity or two from the week before? Oh you would also get to know if she wore something different each time too.

We all go through the nub trials and tribulations to get where other providers will see us. Remember that is for everyone’s protection.

One thing to look out for in reviews is that not everyone gives correct info. The White Knight crew is quick to jump in so many tend not to post anything negative!
ck1942's Avatar
imo (as a long time hobbiest, not as a Texas resident, not even close to being a native Texan) fwiw ...

1st off the cuff, many brand new hobbiests fall into two categories

1) extremely satisfied (probably also easily satisfied)

2) extremely disappointed (probably also easily disappointed)

If I must explain the above, please skip what follows.

The above is why established hobbiests and established providers should imo not give great weight to a newby's reviews. Not saying discount totally, just saying what I said...take such reviews in context.

That said, imo most hobbiests should consider posting reviews, and, as I do, ask the provider if she wants/needs a review.

Not that she has a veto of a bad session review, but that if the session was really terrible, perhaps the reviewer may consider exigent circumstances.

Reviews should:

1) to add to the data base and give some relevance to his own and to a provider's credibility and possibly validate and even enhance her business

2) a properly done review should also assist (if needed) a provider in improving her BCD and her TCB.

No perfect formula, imo, just adding my two cents to the OP's thread.
A yes or no is a recommendation.
That means I recommended someone. That doesn't mean I will visit her again.
I put as much as I can remember in the ROS and always remember something important that I left out, the next day.
I am hard to please. It takes me time to get excited and time to hit the finish line.
If a girl helps me get there, I will recommend them.
Some work hard, some don't.
The ones that work hard get a yes recommendation.