Use caution with Lexi

I’ve seen Lexi a few times in the past was trying to set up an appointment and there were already flags with the communication with her asking about when I would be there even though I established a time frame.

Any how after work I stopped to get cash and she had asked me to get her a Mountain few and text her as I was leaving the gas station. The address she gave was a location I’ve seen her at in the past so I texted her and told her I would call for the room number when I got there. She had made the request for a drink around 3.30 and I texted her @ 3.50.

I arrived in the nearly empty parking lot @ 4 pm and call and get no answer. Wait 3-5 minutes. Call again, no answer. Text that I will give her 5 minutes before I left and at that moment another vehicle comes in and parks directly to the left of me, no space with plenty of room around and I see a man getting on his phone. I try calling again and no answer and I decide to leave. About 5 minutes later I receive a text that she doesn’t see me, I respond that I left and there was another man there. She says her uncle had come to visit. I try calling her again, no answer again. She texts that she still doesn’t see me (even though I had already stated I left) I told her to call me and she says she would in a minute and never heard from her again.

As of now I am crossing her off my list. If you have seen her with the current number 1 (316) 512-9092 at a location near Kellogg and Maize feel free to comment. Otherwise be aware as this was raising all my flags, alarms and seems fishy so wanted to give a look out notice.
Got a link?
  • ks2ny
  • 09-10-2024, 07:30 PM
Smart move to leave, “uncle” LOL

This is the link when I Google the number.