Wouldn't It Be Ironic If .....

Wouldn't it be ironic if Trump loses the Republican nomination for POTUS because he refuses to denounce the fact that he is a friggin' birther?

Especially given the fact that many of of our Political Forum Idiots still cling to the following mistaken notion(s):

A) Obama was not born in America
B) Obama is a Muslim
C) All of the above


Wouldn't it be ironic if Trump loses the Republican nomination for POTUS because he refuses to denounce the fact that he is a friggin' birther?

Especially given the fact that many of of our Political Forum Idiots still cling to the following mistaken notion(s):

A) Obama was not born in America
B) Obama is a Muslim
C) All of the above


Originally Posted by bigtex
Wouldn't it be ironic if Shrillary lost the dumbascraps nomination because the crooked dumbascraps thought that even SHE was too much of a lying, narcissistic thief for them to have as their "standard bearer " ? And the thought of Slick Willy, only the SECOND President to face impeachment, as "First Rapist " trolling for more interns in HIS war on women might just be TOO much for the other dumbascrap office holders to try and defend when they ran for reelection ?
Neither one of these are examples of irony.
Neither one of these are examples of irony. Originally Posted by WombRaider
It would be ironic if you turned down this bag of chips...

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It would be ironic if you turned down this bag of chips...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
It would be ironic if you turned down this bag of chips...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
+ 1 !!!! WOO HOO !!!!
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Reckon woomby will be buying them by the truck loads to have at his grand openings of his 'holes franchises and to give to his VIP customers !
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Since the Hillary 2008 campaign started the entire "birther" movement, it would be ironic.
Since the Hillary 2008 campaign started the entire "birther" movement, it would be ironic. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Since JDIdiot "started the entire" camouflaged 777 parked on a remote island "movement," has he located the missing plane yet?
Since the Hillary 2008 campaign started the entire "birther" movement, it would be ironic. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Isn't it ironic something from a democrat became a watchword of republicans. The dems never used it just republicans, don't they have any original ideas?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Isn't it ironic something from a democrat became a watchword of republicans. The dems never used it just republicans, don't they have any original ideas? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Hillbitch only said that to get elected. she knows it's true but would have never used it except that her campaign was floundering. like it is now. that cunt hasn't learned a damn thing from 2008. she figured .. " i need more money". so she gets it. does not good at all. she's a serial liar and a socialist bitch. yet you worship the turds she poops. that makes you an poop worshiper.

Hillbitch only said that to get elected. she knows it's true but would have never used it except that her campaign was floundering. like it is now. that cunt hasn't learned a damn thing from 2008. she figured .. " i need more money". so she gets it. does not good at all. she's a serial liar and a socialist bitch. yet you worship the turds she poops. that makes you an poop worshiper.
[/IMG] Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Keep floating you little turd along with the bitch turds. You are two turds of a kind.

FYI Hillary never said it one of the workers came up with it. Then you idiots parroted it to this day.

You are just a dumb turd.
  • shanm
  • 09-19-2015, 12:27 AM
Hillbitch only said that to get elected. she knows it's true but would have never used it except that her campaign was floundering. like it is now. that cunt hasn't learned a damn thing from 2008. she figured .. " i need more money". so she gets it. does not good at all. she's a serial liar and a socialist bitch. yet you worship the turds she poops. that makes you an poop worshiper. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
"poop worshipper"??

What grade of elementary school are you repeating?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Isn't it ironic something from a democrat became a watchword of republicans. The dems never used it just republicans, don't they have any original ideas? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Maybe you can ask our resident stalker to do the "research". This story came out of Chicago in 2008. Remember Willy Horton? That story that Bush used against Dukakis.... or earlier when the story was used for the FIRST TIME by Al Gore against Dukakis in the primary.
The "Obama is from Kenya" started in the primary season of 2008 when the GOP thought that Hillary was the go to candidate. Why take down some also ran?
LexusLover's Avatar
Speaking of ... "ironies" .... how's Webb doing these days?

Thank God for some pundits' .... "20-20 hindsight"?