The FBI caught redhanded covering up the fact that Senile Biden taking bribes is on tape

berryberry's Avatar
Not only are there 17 tapes as bambino noted in his thread catching Senile Biden taking bribes, but the corrupt FBI tried to cover it up - yet again

NEW: Grassley says that Chris Wray redacted a key allegation from an FBI FD-1023 before letting House Oversight review the confidential human source form — that Burisma’s owner claimed to have 17 recordings of his conversations with Joe & Hunter Biden
berryberry's Avatar
Sen. Grassley says the FBI is still covering up crimes committed by Senile Biden in that much-discussed 1023 form. Today Grassley discussed possible audio recordings.

bambino's Avatar
Already started a thread on this.
berryberry's Avatar
Now we know why Senile Biden bends over and takes it up the ass from Zelensky and then sends him US taxpayer money

Zelensky knows about the bribes Senile Biden took, the tapes and the insurance policy. They are still bribing Senile Biden to this day


Senator Chuck Grassley Announces On The Senate Floor That The Foreign National Who Allegedly Bribed Joe And Hunter Biden Allegedly Has Audio Recordings Of His Conversations With Them

"17 such recordings."

"According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses 15 audio recordings of phone calls between him and Hunter Biden."

"According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses 2 audio recordings of phone calls between him and then VP Joe Biden."

"These recordings were allegedly kept as a sort of insurance policy for the foreign national in case that he got into a tight spot."

"The 1023 also indicates that then VP Joe Biden may have been involved in Burisma employing Hunter Biden."

"Getting a full and complete 1023 is critical for the American people to know and understand the true nature of the document and to hold the DOJ and the FBI accountable."

"Congress owes it to the American people and the brave and heroic whistleblowers to continue to fight for transparency in this matter and make this document public without unnecessary redactions."
matchingmole's Avatar
Now we know why Senile Biden bends over and takes it up the ass from Zelensky and then sends him US taxpayer money

Zelensky knows about the bribes Senile Biden took, the tapes and the insurance policy. They are still bribing Senile Biden to this day


Senator Chuck Grassley Announces On The Senate Floor That The Foreign National Who Allegedly Bribed Joe And Hunter Biden Allegedly Has Audio Recordings Of His Conversations With Them

"17 such recordings."

"According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses 15 audio recordings of phone calls between him and Hunter Biden."

"According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses 2 audio recordings of phone calls between him and then VP Joe Biden."

"These recordings were allegedly kept as a sort of insurance policy for the foreign national in case that he got into a tight spot."

"The 1023 also indicates that then VP Joe Biden may have been involved in Burisma employing Hunter Biden."

"Getting a full and complete 1023 is critical for the American people to know and understand the true nature of the document and to hold the DOJ and the FBI accountable."

"Congress owes it to the American people and the brave and heroic whistleblowers to continue to fight for transparency in this matter and make this document public without unnecessary redactions." Originally Posted by berryberry

Already started a thread on this. Originally Posted by bambino
... YES you did! ... And a fine thread 'tis ...

And so is This One! ...

... I'd surely start a third one - but reckon that
you two mates surely got this issue covered!

... So, gonna be SOON that we're all looking at
PROOF POSITIVE of Biden Corruption.
And the FBI covering it up!

... So a document tells the tattle of having Joe on tape
with the bribes? .... Hmmmm...

Makes me wonder IF THIS is one o' those so-called
"classified docs" that Trump surely wanted to keep.
One that shows all the bribery.

Hmmmm... Maybe Trump even DE-Classified it.

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
Dr should combine them.
berryberry's Avatar
Why is it not a surprise that Senile Biden's personal gestapo otherwise known as the corrupt FBI just got caught red handed hiding evidence of Senile Biden's bribery and treason?
berryberry's Avatar
We now know that at the time Donald Trump was being falsely impeached by corrupt Democrats for asking for an investigation of Burisma, the FBI had information from a credible source claiming Burisma bribed the Bidens.

Think about that.
berryberry's Avatar
Sen. Grassley reveals Ukrainian oil exec who bribed Joe Biden w/$5 million kept 2 secret recordings of calls w/him about the deal & 15 recordings w/Hunter

This is why Senile Biden had his corrupt DOJ indict Trump in the same week this was declassified