Game of Thrones

So what's up with the psycho little twat of a king on Game of Thrones?...Seriously someone needs to kill him off, he's doing my head in!

I don't understand why those who know he's actually Jamie's son, don't just come out and tell everyone? For surely he would be overthrown quicker that way? And same goes for his cunt of a mother, why doesn't someone call her out for fucking her brother!? So ready for the pair of them to have their heads chopped off and call it a day.

Also, what's the significance of the predator looking creatures in the woods, as we don't see them in every episode, and I've not read the books so trying to work out what their purpose is...

And what was the black thing that came out of the ginger bird's minge in the most recent episode?!
Wakeup's Avatar
Wait till A Storm of Swords...should be season 3...

King Stannis has sent papers to every city explaining the incestuous relationship and Joffrey's parentage, but people either don't care or are not going to cross the Lannisters until they know that the Lannisters are going to lose the war and they won't get killed for doing it.

That was an Other, from north of the Wall. You'll hear about them more soon.

Melisandre is a Shadowbringer from Asshai. That was a Shadow. You might see more next week, maybe only see the results of its work.
TheDon's Avatar
Can't say there is another cunt on television that I enjoy watching more than King Joffery at the moment. Looks like Wakeup answered most of your questions, I was a little hesitant to click on the thread, it seems that every thread on a board I go on, without fail, will contain spoilers. Glad to not see any here, as I too, have not read the books.

I hope they have more than ten episodes for next season.
I'm a fan. I get it. And yet, it's a situation where there's so Much going on that it all seems to progress so slowly. I am eager for it to move just a little faster, regardless of how long the books are.

Thanks for your input on this.

internet_inventor2's Avatar
The first season was close to the book and good, the second season has been Hollywood . Not to close to the book, I hope they get closer to the original story in season 3. Yes I am one of those nerds who have read all if the books to date.

It's prob confusing cause they have omitted characters. Melosandra and Stannis never got it on, so much fail in season 2. At least they still have me hating Joffrey and her royal cuntress
Wakeup's Avatar
Melosandra and Stannis never got it on, so much fail in season 2. Originally Posted by internet_inventor2
That's a matter of much conjecture. True GRRM never comes straight out and says it, it's implied several times.
What Wakeup said.

I'm having a blast with season 2 so far, but I hope they don't take too many more liberties with the story.
I could give a shit less whether it goes by the books or not, it's damned good entertainment.

It's right up there with Rome as far as being the best HBO series yet.

I can't wait untill Jamie gets free and decides to "kill anybody who gets in his way" when it comes to his Sister.

One question. How the heck long does it take a Dragon to reach adulthood. I mean, is it going to take 6 seasons for Danny to finally get to destroy and burn anybody that opposed her right to the Iron Throne?

I'm hooked.
Karma has got king Joff in its crosshairs...
Tonight's episode has bored me again, really hope things pick up a bit.
Tonight's episode has bored me again, really hope things pick up a bit. Originally Posted by Valerie

Worry not, M'Lady!
The shit's about to hit the fan!
Probably next week.
Wakeup's Avatar
What, you weren't thrilled by George's penchant for killing off main characters suddenly? You're going to be a lot more bored then.
TheDon's Avatar
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Watch the series or read the books. You'll be disappointed knowing both. What the series fails to cover from the books. Keep in mind it's an "adaptation" for those of you purists.
I started the books before watching the series and season one seemed to do it justice but season two is full of fail. I'm just starting book four and I can say I haven't been entertained reading such a good series since Herbert.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
What, you weren't thrilled by George's penchant for killing off main characters suddenly? You're going to be a lot more bored then. Originally Posted by Wakeuр
That's why I love this series. He spends so much effort developing these characters and tosses them aside.