Do you carry your hobby phone and normal one at the same time

grtrader's Avatar
A lot of newer phones can be located as long as a battery is in them. So if someone was to carry say both phones on them and someone decided to see what phones were in the car at the time. One could technically associate one with another to ID the person.

RF ids. Not sure how many of you have hear about the RF IDs they want to use as driver license or not.

They can be read as far away as 50ft so far in tests. Personally I am against them especially as passport IDs. A terrorist with $10dollars in electronic pars hooked to a lap top could walk down a street or a hotel hall way or on a plane and Identify every single US citizen.

Not just that if they placed readers near intersections they could use it for monitoring things like speed and so on. Well that isn't bad you say. Yea, but they would be able to see who you are with were you go who is in your house with you....

Not bad enough. Imagine going to the grocery store since not only can police read these things other people as well. Can how many people could use that for tracking or tailing a person. Stores could use it to watch your habits in the store see what Isles you visit the products you stop in front of and so on.
Given the recent assassination in Dubai, perhaps the authorities will rethink the wisdom (or the lack thereof) of IDs with RFID. Too easily penetrated and then the info used to make an ID that matches the databases....?

grtrader's Avatar
You would hope they do. To be honest any sort of signal that can be IDed to a person can be used to target them. If you want real nasty think of what can be done if someone attached the tech to say an shoulder launched rocket system.

If you were watching a set of cars pull out and some are decoys you could easily figure out which vehicle the person is in.
Dstorm's Avatar
There are bags and pouches that block the signal from reaching or leaving the phone. They are pretty cheap for those that think they might need them. Once you take it out of the bag to use, you could be located, but if you are using it, you could be located off of the nearest cell tower that you sent or received the call from anyway.
grtrader's Avatar
There are bags and pouches that block the signal from reaching or leaving the phone. They are pretty cheap for those that think they might need them. Once you take it out of the bag to use, you could be located, but if you are using it, you could be located off of the nearest cell tower that you sent or received the call from anyway. Originally Posted by Dstorm
They used to use towers and triangulate using 3 of them to tell pretty much were you were but they couldn't tell your altitude or room from it. The phones with GPS can be used to say what floor you are in. A lot of newer laptops also have built in GPS tracking.

Pretty much anything that transmits a signal that can be IDed can be used to track you or ID you.

Masking the signal is great except one problem suppose you have a good PI on your but and he knows you are the only person in the room and he picks up a new signal coming from that room. Think he will associate it with anyone else.

however, if you went to a crowded Internet cafee and used whatever device you wanted it could be any number of people. He would have to actual hear the conversation not just the signal to ID it as you.

I guess what you really want to do is determine the level of caution you need. It is one thing to dodge a PI working for your wife, verses say company man, or fbi, or cia... Then you got to look at what is at risk is it just money, your livelihood, prison or your actual life.

the topic digressed I guess..
remember guys all electronics needs a current, so turn off the phone... completely unless you have to use it. yes RF ids are a concern, but I dont think phones have them..

better than that dont carry a phone, just carry the sim card, much thinner and easier to hide. stow away the phone in some locker where you SO has no access and use it only when you need it. you can store all your provider numbers also on the sim.