HOTEL...MOTEL...Whatcha gonna do TODAY?

I’m gonna get a Fly Girl….gonna get some Spank…..and drive off in a DEF OJ (interpretation for you honkeys– that means an American Luxury Car)

RAPPERS DELIGHT! YEAH! I’m not sure who can relate to those lyrics….that song was #1 for me when I was 16 and sneaking into smokey bars. Many moons ago!

ANYWAAAAAY….there is a purpose to this post

I’m thinking of getting an INCALL (again). It's much more convenient, private and cost effective than going from Hotel to Hotel.

Ultimately I wonder what you guys think…..HOTEL vs INCALL apartment and would appreciate your feedback :-)

I've shared incalls in the past with some very lovely ladies. The only problems that occurred were:
* Bookings that overlap
* Clients are skiddish because they don't want to run into "other clients" or have your roommates spot them ( happens, they book with one...then book with the other unknowingly)
* Gals suspicious of other gals trying to steal their clients
* Who is the "House Mom"? (ie; cleaning, paying the rent, dodging the bullets from management)

All that being said, my experience in the past really doesn't affect me wanting to find a new roommie as I come back into the biz.
The issues mentioned above do somehow work themselves out.

I AM CURRENTLY LOOKING at sharing an incall in Dallas (wink wink). Ladies….hit me up!
Hi Torre

I greatly prefer an incall apartment.
Hi Torre....

First of all... you're scorching hot!

Secondly, I prefer a discreet apartment to a hotel or motel. There are a lot more options in a private space. The challenge with that and "roommates" are that traffic can be high and raise suspicion with the neighbors as well as some of the other things you mentioned. Most of the incalls I've visited have no signs of other providers using that space. That doesn't mean that they weren't, but they were very discreet about it.

FWIW.... Vic