I'm breaking my "lost a bet" to bring you something you don't get everyday.

LovingKayla's Avatar
On the radio today I heard something that I had not thought of before.

Obama ran his platform on 800 billion in new revenue. He is now asking for 1.6 trillion.

OK... Let's give it all to him. Let's give him everything he wants. Everything.

You on the Right "know" we are fucked 6 ways from Sunday, no matter what happens... so why not? Just give it all to him. I love that. If the Left is right, he will save the country and we will ALL be happy. If the R is right, he will become the most hated president in history and hopefully everyone prepped a bit.

Let's do it. I wager he doesn't want a deal at all. He expects us to fight him the whole way. He will never expect that the R will give him what he wants and then we can all finally find out if he is the evil bad guy we say, or the savior the L says. Game on.
Here is Senator Jim DeMint's take on this.............
Obama aims to crush his opposition now so they cannot resist his agenda over the next four years. Said the Senator, “They smell blood in the water and they’ll keep pushing... they’re not coming our way or coming to the middle to try and govern.”

He expects “very few” Republicans will go along with the President’s tax demands but only among those “who probably aren’t real Republicans.”

DeMint says Democrats would prefer that Republicans not give in but stand their ground against different tax treatment for middle and upper-class taxpayers. That’s because the resultant tax hikes would give Obama more money to spend. “They want us to go over this so-called “cliff” because it gives them a chance to get what they want in terms of higher taxes and they believe the mainstream media will blame Republicans and it will hurt us more than it will hurt them,” he said.

The new goals for conservatives, he says, should be to work in states and prove their principles work, all while defending against President Obama’s effort “to steamroll what’s left of the Republican Party here in Washington.”
DeMint has become a major national leader for conservatives and the Tea Party movement by standing firm even when that means bucking the leaders of his own party. But despite his internal differences with the GOP, DeMint told Istook the other side is much worse:

DeMint: “They generally believe in a collectivist, big government society, and they see the government as a key player in our economy and our culture. And anything we suggest otherwise is alien to them. So their paradigm is big government.”

Istook: “You’re talking about the paradigm of the liberal Democrats or the media?”

DeMint:” It’s the same thing.”
WTF's Avatar
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  • 12-06-2012, 08:22 AM
Where is your honor?

In negotiations you start out high (as does the other side) and you hope to meet in the middle. It is obvious you have never bought a car or made a deal to buy a business. Please take my advice and quit opening your mouth and proving how ignorant you are in the world of politics. Go buy some more ammo (and pay the highest price asked) and try not and shoot anybody.

btw, you are not bring anything new. Many right wing pundits have already said as much. You are just Parroting what was in your e-mail inbox.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm glad to see you again, Kayla!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Funny you should mention honor. According to Bob Woodward, this is the same tactic Obama pulled a couple of years ago. He had a deal, A DEAL! He got what he wanted and then just before the handshake Obama said I want twice as much. Not much honor in that man.
LovingKayla's Avatar
But WTF, we opened with what OBAMA ran his campaign on. We OPENED with HIS first request.

Let's give him everything. The only way out is through, right? Nothing says let's keep walking through hell like giving the government a few more trillion dollars. I'm down. Let's give him upwards 50% of our income. Let's see how long the riots stay back when EVERYONE is being bleed dry.

The democrats are leading the charge against Agenda 21. Giving Obama everything he wants is OUR best option. It would shake the masses like no president ever has.

I still contend that Obama does NOT want a deal. If we suddenly just gave him everything he asked for, he wouldn't know what to do. How much you wanna bet he asks for MORE if we agree to the current? I mean why not! I would.

If America as a whole is in agony, she will pay attention to anything that will ease her pain. Yes?

While they are looking, they will see the Agenda 21 the UN is bringing down on us (and giant FUCK YOU to George H W Bush for signing us up for that in the 90's.)

We have GOT to get past this current fight. I'll give him whatever he wants, to bring attention to the real fight.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-06-2012, 08:49 AM
Funny you should mention honor. According to Bob Woodward, this is the same tactic Obama pulled a couple of years ago. He had a deal, A DEAL! He got what he wanted and then just before the handshake Obama said I want twice as much. Not much honor in that man.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The witch said she would quit posting in here. Her word is no good. Try and redirect all you want.

You two should never breed btw. What a paranoid lying sack of shit baby you two would produce. Be a little Hitler junior.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Welcome back, Kayla! Stay for a while. Don't believe for a moment that these lefty-loonies would have honored any bet they lost. Their elected representatives have promised time and again to reduce spending; yet, the Dim-ocrats have always reneged: it's their nature to lie and betray.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 12-06-2012, 08:57 AM

While they are looking, they will see the Agenda 21 the UN is bringing down on us (and giant FUCK YOU to George H W Bush for signing us up for that in the 90's.)

. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Good Lord, this is what you are worried about? Is this Beck's latest scare tactic to get your money?

The Senate could not even pass a UN backed ADA treaty and your worried about this?

Please honor you word and quit posting in this forum.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 12-06-2012, 08:57 AM
Here is Senator Jim DeMint's take on this.............

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Jim DeMint is a quitter, just like your other hero, Sara Palin.
LK; don't be bullied, keep posting in the Sandbox. You think anyone on the left would have honored their bet if they lost ?

I don't. That is why I don't wager with strangers.
joe bloe's Avatar
Welcome back!

Main stream media is completely in the tank for Obama. Whatever happens, they will cover for Obama and control the public's perception. If we give Obama what he wants and the economy tanks, MSM will still blame the Republicans. If we fight Obama tooth and nail, and get some sort of compromise, and the economy is mediocre, the media will say it's the Republicans fault and most Americans will believe it.

The majority of Americans are parasites and idiots; that's why Obama is president. Almost all journalists are propagandists for socialism. I'm not sure there is a way for Republicans to prevail in that environment.

The current negotiations over taxes and minor spending cuts amount to nothing more than rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. No one in either party is proposing a plan that will actually prevent an economic collapse. No one dares to propose the massive spending cuts that would be necessary to avert financial disaster, because the American people will not support them.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-06-2012, 09:08 AM
Main stream media is completely in the tank for Obama. Whatever happens, they will cover for Obama and control the public's perception. . Originally Posted by joe bloe
Really? Just WTF was your preception on who was leading in the swing states?

Then WTF was the reality on election day?
WTF's Avatar
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  • 12-06-2012, 09:16 AM
Welcome back, Kayla! Stay for a while. Don't believe for a moment that these lefty-loonies would have honored any bet they lost. Their elected representatives have promised time and again to reduce spending; yet, the Dim-ocrats have always reneged: it's their nature to lie and betray. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
She can stay as long as her lying ass wants. She has no honor. No different than a bait and switch. Be like taking your money and then running out to the car to get something she 'forgot' and never showing back up. You defend that type of person?
LK; don't be bullied, keep posting in the Sandbox. You think anyone on the left would have honored their bet if they lost ?

I don't. That is why I don't wager with strangers. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yea but you did not make a bet , she did. I will bully the fuc out of the lying witch. . I've went without to pay my bookie back in the day. But then again, I honor my bets. She ,it appears, does not.
I want the 30 seconds of my life I wasted on this thread back ...