Gotta Ask.... about working at a Spa

CarlaHollandStrange's Avatar
Things are too slow for me to survive here lately... I don't know if it because of my age... it shouldn't be I'm in better shape, fit, and emotionally than I have ever been in my life. So I am considering a couple of Options and would love to hear your opinions. Move and be NEW somewhere else, tour (which I am a homebody type and that is horrid on me) or go to work at a spa. Can anyone tell me the pros of a spa? or a good one to apply to?

I hate being a whiner, and I would never let my struggles touch my sessions... but I need some kind of idea on what I can do. My ideal as most are is to be a personal assistant with mutual
pmdelites's Avatar
what kind of spa? the asian amps or the fbsm-type spas, or the brothels-disguised-as-a-spa kind of place?

perhaps advertise in a different channel, seek an arrangement, ???

and a probable sure deal - great tcb, great incall, great attitude, great skills, great rates, etc. (not saying you do or dont provide/offer these)
Naughty_Piper's Avatar
Well I've worked for one spa before, won't mention it on here because not sure if the owner would like it mentioned, but I actually enjoyed it! The money was pretty consistent, people were more likely to tip and all it ever was for me was just massage and HJ or BBBJ. On top of that, it was owned and operated by a really cool girl who also does all the screening. I don't work with her anymore, but I have since seriously considered going back because I didn't find anything wrong with it. I've been an independent provider for going on 3 years now and didn't even tell people when I went to work for the massage studio and still did great! If you decide that's the way you want to go and want her information, let me know. I don't know the name of her studio now, I know she changed it, but it's located out in Irving.
Ever thought of getting out of the sex work business? I know it's not easy as a person ages but this business has to be harder than most any others after a certain age.
albundy's Avatar
There seems to be A LOT of competition for the hobby dollar in Dallas. According to your Showcase, you charge $250 for an hour. That seems reasonable and the "average" rate from what I've seen. BUT, and I'm not trying to be mean, most of the girls in that price range are about twenty to thirty years younger than you. I DO think you look sexy as fuck though.

Don't get me wrong, you look great! But most guys with $250 for an hour, and if times are tough, are going to go with the newer models. Don't mean to be rude, but it is the way things are usually.

For me, if you were down here, and you were in the $150 - $200 for an hour range, full GFE, I'd jump at the chance to bang you. $250? To be honest, I'd wait for a $200 - $150 girl to pop up.

I know "cutting prices" are dirty words to hookers, but when times are tough, all businesses do it if they want to compete. Try "specials". Also, maybe highlight what makes you "unique". Advertise as "That hot older woman from down your street that you always wanted to bang" or something like that.

Just my 2 cents. Take it for what it's worth.
Depends on the spa ... do you speak Korean?
I ran a brothel in northern California for a was great for a while. then when the recession hit ....I had to run it by Bueno....
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... if you were down here, and you were in the $150 - $200 for an hour range, full GFE, I'd jump at the chance to bang you. $250? To be honest, I'd wait for a $200 - $150 girl to pop up ... Originally Posted by albundy
You misread her showcase. It says 150 for an hour; 250 for 2 hours.
You misread her showcase. It says 150 for an hour; 250 for 2 hours. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks

No offense, ab. I like your handle.

Its just funny when a tard complains about rates and it turns out he wasn't reading them right.

Sounds like she's in your price range now though. So there's that.
I'm still looking for the good Dominican cigar, gorgeous gal, awesome massage, & a slow bbbj for under $100.

I'm pretty sure your age and the physical attributes of aging is the reason for the decline... I'm just being honest. You might be the most amazing ball-draining experience, but I can imagine most of us would feel the same. This can't be your only talent, and wouldn't assume you would think you could ride that train into retirement - or beyond.

If you love the lifestyle, why not manage a stable of girls and show them how it's done? Otherwise, based on several of your posts... It might be time to hang it up.
Studio X's Avatar
Personally I love old women because you don't have to teach them. Rates should always be adjusted to the market no matter what your doing. I see it all the time in hiring adult models for various projects.
The pros (of most of the ladies that Ive known) that they enjoy about working at a good studio are:

(1) you show up & then get to go home so your personal life & phone is generally left separate
(2) there is always steady clientele calling daily (loyal regulars) so posting your ads, pics & marketing is usually not necessary. Where as, when you are independent you constantly are having to promote yourself & create new ads, specials, etc to entice clients.
(3) you dont have to pay for an incall or do outcall/worry about keeping a place up...dont have to pay for supplies, etc.
(4) all the legwork is done for you, as far as screening, scheduling, dealing with clients. If you're a scheduling-challenged person or just dont have time & get overwhelmed with screening or haggling with clients...a studio is a good way to avoid all of that
(5) services can vary - depending on what studio you are at. But generally "studio service" has a reputation as being less "involved" or detail oriented as a fully independent GFE/PSE provider. I think alot of this is because the client does not get to actually schedule/speak to the studio girl before booking...therefore, cutting down on all of the questions & million little requests coming from the client prior to booking (that an independent provider would regularly be expected to accommodate).

Of course there are always cons too...but if you have it together, build a good reputation, treat each of your clients like gold, the cons are minimal.

Independent or just depends on what you prefer, more comfortable with, and most importantly, are Succe$$ful at!

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
From my conversations with some former studio girls, a few consistent themes emerged.

One is that some girls require the structure of a studio. They need a place to go to work, they need regular hours (usually because of family considerations), and they don't want to have to worry about a lot of the stuff that, as as IP noted, is taken care of by someone else. (In the hybrid studio business model that that I've seen in a few places in Fort Worth, the girls have their own phones and schedule their own appointments.) In effect, they trade income -- the house fee -- for stability; regular, if limited, hours; and less responsibility. Some girls can succeed outside of the studio environment; others can't, or won't try, because the additional considerations are more than they can, or want, to handle.

There are some drawbacks. If someone else is doing your screening, you've lost control of your ability to gauge financial, physical, and legal risk. That may not be a bad thing -- whoever is screening may actually do a better job of it than you can. But it's one thing to consider.

You also have to consider the petty rivalries, jealousies, and personnel clashes that can develop. On top of the normal friction that can develop when you throw four or six or eight people into a close-quarter working environment, you have the jealousies and rivalries that can arise when attractive young women are competing for attention (and money). IP seems to have chosen the people she's worked with well, but that is not always the case. If someone gets pissed of and complains often enough and loudly enough to LEO, your problems can be worse than just a disgruntled former employee or coworker. SOs or former SOs have also been known to show up and cause problems for more than just the one person they're interested in.

To IP's "but if you have it together, build a good reputation, treat each of your clients like gold," I'd add, "working with a good group of people that you like and trust."
I, personally, think you should take a position (or multiple positions - MISH, DOGGIE, 69, CG, RCG, your pick) in a spa in the Carrollton/Lewisville area. I'd be sure to take a long lunch break for that.