Favorite All-Time Rangers Memories?

Par_Shooter's Avatar
Since the win last night I'm feeling awfully nostalgic, and the following are memories that have been bubbling up. It will be interesting to see what others add to the list as well.
  • Dr Pepper Junior Ranger membership. That cheap-ass plastic batters glove was cool, but the little book of tickets you got was magical.
  • Juan Beníquez, between innings, throwing balls into that little green press box at the top of center field at the old stadium.
  • Jeff Borroughs' AL MVP. I was only seven, but I lived and breathed baseball and since we shared the same first name I thought I was somehow related to the MVP!
  • Toby Harrah kicking ass in a bench-clearing brawl vs Detroit.
  • Playing paper-cup baseball under the bleachers of the old stadium with other random kids.
  • Micky Rivers and all of his quirkyness.
  • Pudge as a 19 yo kid hosing base runners and picking off those who tried to stretch a lead on first or third.
SweetAterPie's Avatar
I was at the Ventura ass whuppin game with my daughters that was fun.

Also remember all the foot stomping on those metal bleachers at Arlington Stadium, the whole place would rumble, I'm surprised it didn't collapse.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Kenny Rogers perfect game. I always liked him. A guy who got a lot out of a limited amount of talent.
Last night when the Rangers won and we all cheered. Ah, good times. (Sorry, haven't been a fan for that long)
Nolan Ryans 7th no hitter followed closely by the Nolan/Robin Ventura fight!
Lana Warren's Avatar
Awwwwwww, the night that I made out with Michael Young! Not really, but I did get to kiss him on the cheek at an autograph signing! Hey, I can dream, can't I?
Int3rested's Avatar
Rangers win the WS...
AlexandraDBI's Avatar
CJ Wilson's Huge Smile When I Saw Him Today!!!! World Series Baby Woot Woot! It was a little rocky getting there but we finally made it.
Int3rested's Avatar
Rangers learned from their mistakes, made adustments and with cool determination are going to the big show. You got love it.
I'm in the same age range as the OP, and I, too, came to love baseball during that '74 season. Burroughs won the MVP, Mike Hargrove was rookie of the year, Fergie Jenkins came over from the Cubs and won 25 (and should have won the Cy Young over Catfish Hunter, imo), had a young catcher named Sundberg who was in his rookie year and would go on to win 6 consecutive gold gloves, and the best manager I ever had the privilege of observing, Billy Martin. Finished only 5 games behind the soon-to-be World Champion A's, and the future looked bright. But Billy self-destructed the next year (as true geniuses within a field often do), Burroughs never was quite the same until he made it to Atlanta, Fergie had a down year and was traded not long afterwards (though he would be back for a second successful stint a few years later), and we just kind of faded back in the pack again for a while. But that was a really good, young club. Nice memories, but not as nice as the ones the kids will have after this year. But this season has been great fun even for getting-to-be oldsters such as myself these days.
Guest062512's Avatar
* first match-up between Nolan and Roger Clemens. 1-0 Rangers on a Palmeiro HR.
* Picture day at the old ballpark - where you walk around the warning track with your camera taking pictures of and with just about all the Rangers
* Sitting in the first row of the bleachers at the old ballpark during BP, having a conversation with GWB trying to convince him that they should re-sign Steve Bueschelle. Who knew I was talking to the future president of the USA?
* Jose Canseco "heading" the ball over the wall for a home run.
* The All-Star game
* Rangers winter carnivals
Wordsmith's Avatar
I have a few.

In 1981 was there when Bill Stein set an AL record with his seventh consecutive pinch hit.

Sitting in the dugout before a game and Juan Gonzalez sits down beside me and Rafael Palmeiro on other side and they start talking about cock fighting. Started the chat in English but when it got heated it moved to Spanish. Had no idea how it turned out.

Same day, were are sitting on the dugout steps and Bobby Valentine is sitting on the bench. Shooting the shit before the game and fans are leaning over the dugout yelling for autographs. Bobby asks "Are their any hot girls up there." We answered "Yes." So he said "Then I guess I need to sign some autographs."

Was there for Nolan Ryan's 5,000th strikeout.

Many more memories considering I worked in the parking lot through high school and then worked there as a member of the media later.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Who could ever forget Mr Gold Glove..................(head)?

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