I was told it was a good thing I'm not a clock watcher... guys could this be a plus let me kno guys....
lda523287's Avatar
Absolutely! No one likes being rushed.
bistraight69's Avatar
But don't over stay your welcome (if you pay for a half hour don't expect to be there for an hour)
A deal is a deal: If a guy agreed to a certain price/hr, then there is nothing wrong with "clock watching".
I like it when a timer goes off during the session.
Torito's Avatar
I like it when a timer goes off during the session. Originally Posted by slowmover

I like it when she and I go off during the session.

I like it when a timer goes off during the session. Originally Posted by slowmover
Do you yell out CHECK PLEASE?!

There was a lady on ASPD who responded to her bad reviews by announcing that she didn't have clocks in her incall.

The bad reviews said that her friend called her 5 minutes after the date began to be sure he'd arrived; again at the 30 minute mark to let her know the time; again 10 minutes before the hour was up; and then at the end time to let her know it had been an hour.

Her excuse was that since she didn't have clocks at her incall, she needed someone to let her know the time throughout the date so she could pace things.

Several people responded that they would GIVE her a dang clock! (or places where she could get a cheap the grocery store LOL!)

She said "Oh I have plenty of clocks, but I took them all out of the incall when my first client said it was a turn off to see me keep looking at the clocks and that it would decrease my business if I become known as 'a clock watcher.' So I took them all out so there would be no way anyone could accuse me of looking at a clock."

This is an example of following the letter of the law while missing the intent. LOL! It wasn't so much actually LOOKING at a CLOCK that bothers hobbyists so much as being taken out of the flow of the moment to be reminded of the time.

To answer your question of if it's a good thing or bad thing. It's a good thing if it keeps clients coming back to see you. It's a bad thing if it keeps them from paying for longer dates.
Sleepy363's Avatar
I like it when the lady watches the clock down to the second.

I'm up to lasting 48 seconds, which is a personal best. Must be the badger milk.
  • Zx
  • 11-18-2012, 08:20 PM
Do you yell out CHECK PLEASE?! Originally Posted by misspriss
Going to be some yelling but it's not going to be CHECK PLEASE?!

OP, being a clock watcher might be good and bad. If the chemistry is there and the parties involved enjoy each others company, unplug or turn off the clocks
I am a technogeek. I'd like to see a lady with a parking meter for a bed post that accepts benjamins.
Guest091314's Avatar
I am a technogeek. I'd like to see a lady with a parking meter for a bed post that accepts benjamins. Originally Posted by yourself
That would be a freakin sight!!!!!!
pmdelites's Avatar
if you need to have something to remind you of the time, burn a CD that is 60+ minutes of music. and remember what the last couple of tunes/songs are.
then put it on when he gets there or you start the consulting session.
then, when those last couple of tunes/songs come on, then you know it's time to cum on him or vice versa.

just dont use the same CD again and again and again w/ the same guy.
I wouldn't want to be rush as well. Im down with taking my time keeping my clients happy!!!
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar

just dont use the same CD again and again and again w/ the same guy. Originally Posted by pmdelites
Ha, Ha good one