important question time sensitive!!

Lexxxy's Avatar
So my Gf and I have an extended check out but we fly out in a few hours so this is time sensitive!
We were packing and found a Rolex which seems to be platinum with a broken closure behind our mattress!!
Is it okay to call all the gents we've seen and see it it's theirs and leave it at the front desk for whomever describes the coler diamonds and engraving? I feel so weird calling but I can't think if a faster way to contact everyone before leaving. We have been here since the 17th so it could be a number of diff gents.
I'm so shocked and confused no one has called about it this watch is no joke it costs more than some cars on the road.
Would you be mad if you got a sincere call like this?
Don't know what to do in this situation plus hotel staff are famous for stealing lost and found i had a damn blue tooth, hair straightener, and ipod magically vanish after being forgotten in a room within the last year.
If I can't get ahold should i take it with me and wait to get contacted then mail it?!?!
I would take it and wait for a response. I would be freaking out if I lost a watch of that quality/$.
NTFunGuy's Avatar
I agree with Tim. I would take it with you. If the watch is all it's cracked up to be, the owner will probably get a hold of you.
Lexxxy's Avatar
Omfg someone pmed me saying maybe someone chalked it up to just losing it or us robbing him. I'm like terrified someone would think I would rob them
My main problem is i only have phone numbers for some of these Gents so I can't pm or email. The ones that i could i already sent a message.
never 2 old's Avatar
Hey has housekeeping been changing sheets daily? If so then it had to be someone that was there after last change of sheets. Do not give it to motel take it with you.If no one contacts you after some time you could always go back to vegas and get on pawn stars, haha Good luck with finding the owner.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Platinum Rolex with broken closure? Tend to doubt it's real
I'd vote for taking it with you. Who knows if the hotel staff would hold onto it or just keep it. At least that way if someone does try to claim it you still have control over where it is.

Contact them however you feel is best. Better you hold onto it than hoping the hotel staff won't keep it and pawn it.
Lexxxy's Avatar
Thank you guys so much i guess I'm keeping it and waiting. I thought that too CD but it's Flawless and engraved in Italian so I'm not sure.
We've been doing our own sheets and if Bella didn't drop her phone back there we never would have seen it.
I called the front desk and asked if anyone reported losing a watch and they said no just chargers and phones.
Hardpiped03's Avatar
How do you know it wasn't there (behind the mattress) before you took occupancy of the room?
Did you ever notice that the Pareto Principle is in effect here too. 80% of the crises happen to 20% of the posters. (and that may be a conservative estimate).
tigerjedi69's Avatar
Lexxxy - Take the watch with you. If the owner gets in contact with you, you can make arrangements for a return. If nothing heard, in say 30 days, I say you can do with it what you want. You've commented on posts before about doing a checklist to make sure we leave with what we brought. Since you are well known on here and are viewed overwhelmingly favorably (even by those you haven't met) I think more than a few of us would have your back if someone said (wrote) something unkind.
jimmydidit's Avatar
assume the watch is authentic. i would not want to have it in my physical possession and have to explain it to l.e. rent a p.o. box and mail it to yourself... or safe deposit box... assume the owner reported it stolen, for insurance purposes. in your possession, it's stolen property. a felony. you don't want that risk. i would want it back, and pay a handsome reward.
I am kind of with Jimmy on this -

a) I sure that you have a friend in the jewelry business who can "quietly" determine whether its real or not.

b) If it is real, keep it in a safe place and wait and see if any of your recent clients at that location contact you or your GF. Since you at least posted here, there is a chance it will get out that there is this Rolex in the ECCIE lost and found!

c) if no one comes out to claim it, then you can also check with a friendly pawn shop out west... but that is a plan for another day -
Gotyour6's Avatar
If it is real the serial number is registered with Rolex and there is an owner attached to it.

Does the second hand sweep or tick?

I am thinking it is a knock off. I can assure you if I lost my watch I would be doing the Charlie sheen thing on that room.
Lexxxy's Avatar
As of this morning I have been in contact with everyone we've seen and no one claimed it plus the hotel said they had no reports of missing watches when I asked yesterday.
What I know so far is the second hand moved smooth in a sweep like mine instead of a hop like knock offs usually do and I googled clasp issues and found that apparently there are a lot. Now I'm nervous about my own and I'm taking it in to get looked at and I'll have them take a look at the other.
I have it posted on a few boards in local sections in case maybe it was a hobbiest of a previous lady using the room haha.
I'm keeping it around until January. I may put a thing on Vegas craigslist saying I found it. This is a very unique watch so no one could guess and get it right , I've never seen one so customized irl.
I think I will do the safe deposit box thing if it's real for sure.
Thank you everyone.