No Jan 6 "tourists" were armed...

ICU 812's Avatar
I am thinking that the only blood spilled that day was that unarmed women who was shot in the face.

Unlike the riots in Seattle and Portland, the Jan 6th event actually was "mostly peaceful". . . .with about a million rally attendees (500,000?) and maybe several hundred in the Capitol bulding.
She deserved to be shot in the face. More should have been shot to stop any entrance into the capitol. The fact that they allowed the capitol to be breached at all sadly shows how much leeway was granted to Trumpys that day. They should have defended the capitol to prevent anyone from getting in.
Unlike the riots in Seattle and Portland, the very process of peaceful transfer of power to a lawfully elected candidate was threatened by an inflamed mob of village idiots suckered into actions they would likely never considered on their own. Many will do time for their misguided stupidity. Such an affront to our legacy of peaceful and gracious transfer to an incoming presidency cannot be tolerated and should be dealt with harshly (ironic that many here justify a bullet in the face to an invader of their own house, but somehow see it differently when involving an invader of OUR house of government). The idea that Jan 6 was tourism or innocent is bullshit ...most of us watched it live and the sane ones amongst us on both sides were appalled by the actions of the idiots. Even the "heroic" Josh Hawley realized the mib wasn't joshing and ran for his life. Too bad the pied pipers that led them astray will likely evade responsibility.
... And many of us watched the Revolver clips about this
and Tucker's videos... And the Pelosi clan smiling
and smirking for their-own video once they were told
everybody was gone and the certification could now
take place... The whole protest took all of what? .... 3 hours?

Now THAT surely don't compare with the "summer of protests"
chop-zones for 3 or 4 days where police and medics CANNOT
ENTER... All the property damage and destruction...
Burning of police-houses... Setting them a-fire with the
police still inside ... And the killings.

Those Seattle and Portland "protests" just aint the same...

#### Salty
Salty spouting more bullshit. As usual. At this point it’s just lies last time you stated this I asked for links and proof and neither you nor anyone else with those lies could provide any. Stop Lying. I know you’re fact free but at some point you should get tired of spouting lie after lie.
matchingmole's Avatar
Idiot lives within 30 miles of me. Originally Posted by reddog1951

If only the dipshit could have shown the judge the Tucker videos...surely he could have went scot free....
ICU 812's Avatar
Just how many law enforcement officers and protesters died in this "bloody riot" on January 6th of 2020?

What was their cause of death and at whose hands??
How many were injured? Isn’t that a better measure?
Redhot1960's Avatar
Happy pride Month jaunblackmanjaun

The regime is going to extraordinary lengths to take President Trump off of the political chessboard for 2024. In its latest desperate measure, Biden’s Department of Justice indicted President Trump on clearly trivial, politically contrived charges related to the former President’s handling of classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

News of this second unprecedented indictment generated a firestorm of criticism from fair minded Americans. A recent bombshell letter by congressman Jim Jordan reveals another unlikely critic of the Mar-a-Lago raid that led to the indictment — none other than former head of the FBI’s Washington Field Office (WFO) Steven D’Antuono. Yes, THAT Steven D’Antuono, the stooge who oversaw the Michigan Kidnapping federal entrapment operation and was then hand-picked to head the Washington Field Office in the months leading up to and after January 6th. Faithful Revolver Readers will recall that D’Antuono was the public face of the FBI’s sham investigation related to the January 6th pipe bombs.

It certainly says something then that of all people, someone with such a cursed and disgraced resume such as D’Antuono would take the remarkable step of putting forth multiple objections to the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago and do so for the public record.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
^^^^ LOL. A highly biased right wing nut job site posted it so it must be true because it's on the internet.

Dude, are you serious? That's actually a credible source to you to refute the facts? Some of you guys really do crack me up.
Salty spouting more bullshit. As usual. At this point it’s just lies last time you stated this I asked for links and proof and neither you nor anyone else with those lies could provide any. Stop Lying. I know you’re fact free but at some point you should get tired of spouting lie after lie. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... WHAT is lies and bullshit? ... WHAT?

Be specific, please.

#### Salty
Nearly all of your post actually. But you know that.
Nearly all of your post actually. But you know that. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... ... I surely didn't expect any answer from you.

### Salty
biomed1's Avatar
Of Guideline # 4 . . .
#4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member will be met with staff intervention. This applies to using our coed forums for name calling, personal attacks, or vulgar slang terms to describe fellow members. If you have legitimate concerns about another member here, share them tactfully in the appropriate private forums or with staff.