Hunter Tax Charges

... Me political "insiders" are reporting that Hunter
will soon be facing Tax Charges in California.

... No doubt as the FBI/DOJ surely continues to shield
Hunter from having to face questioning from the
House Oversight Committee.

... Should anybody really be surprised?? ...

#### Salty
  • Tiny
  • 12-07-2023, 08:22 PM
... Me political "insiders" are reporting that Hunter
will soon be facing Tax Charges in California. Originally Posted by Salty Again
As he should be. Undoubtedly they're being filed by the IRS and the Feds. There's about "0" chance that Gavin Newsom and the California Franchise Tax Board will go after Hunter for tax related matters, like the state of New York went after Trump.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hunter Biden indicted on nine tax charges, adding to gun charges in special counsel probe

As he should be. Undoubtedly they're being filed by the IRS and the Feds. There's about "0" chance that Gavin Newsom and the California Franchise Tax Board will go after Hunter for tax related matters, like the state of New York went after Trump. Originally Posted by Tiny
... You know what, mate? ... I surely smell a rat
with this... ... The timing, for one thing.

Hunter is supposed to sit and talk with the House Oversight
Committee in a few days... NOW - with these "new charges"
you can surely wager yer flat money that Hunter won't
be answering ANY questions there.

### Salty
Lucas McCain's Avatar
There goes Hunter's secret plan to run for president. Then again, one idiot running for president has plenty of charges against him that he has to defend as well so maybe Hunter's secret plan is still possible to successfully execute.

In all seriousness, all you Trump obsessed folks don't get it because you are so confused by your blind love for Trump. Let me explain this to you with a few simple words - the only fucking way Trump becomes president again is if he runs against a mummy like Biden. If I was in Trump's simpleton cult, I would be rooting for Biden and not against him until close to election day so he can't be easily replaced by the Dems before then.
There goes Hunter's secret plan to run for president. Then again, one idiot running for president has plenty of charges against him that he has to defend as well so maybe Hunter's secret plan is still possible to successfully execute.

In all seriousness, all you Trump obsessed folks don't get it because you are so confused by your blind love for Trump. Let me explain this to you with a few simple words - the only fucking way Trump becomes president again is if he runs against a mummy like Biden. If I was in Trump's simpleton cult, I would be rooting for Biden and not against him until close to election day so he can't be easily replaced by the Dems before then. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

It is really as simple as you are for the United States Constitution or you are for a totalitarian Democrat Party dictatorship with different judicial standards for political opponents.

Has nothing to do with Trump or Biden.
There goes Hunter's secret plan to run for president. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
"I knew nothing about Hunter's foreign business dealings" Joseph R Biden

"My son never took any money from China" Joseph R Biden

July 30, 2017 "I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled" Hunter Biden WhatsApp message to Raymond Zhao regarding the $10 million capital payment
VitaMan's Avatar
As he should be. Undoubtedly they're being filed by the IRS and the Feds. There's about "0" chance that Gavin Newsom and the California Franchise Tax Board will go after Hunter for tax related matters, like the state of New York went after Trump. Originally Posted by Tiny

Weren't these charges filed in a federal court in California - not a state court ?
Federal tax issues are always filed by the federal govt in federal court. State taxes are filed by the DA or AG in state court.
oilfieldace's Avatar
There goes Hunter's secret plan to run for president. Then again, one idiot running for president has plenty of charges against him that he has to defend as well so maybe Hunter's secret plan is still possible to successfully execute.

In all seriousness, all you Trump obsessed folks don't get it because you are so confused by your blind love for Trump. Let me explain this to you with a few simple words - the only fucking way Trump becomes president again is if he runs against a mummy like Biden. If I was in Trump's simpleton cult, I would be rooting for Biden and not against him until close to election day so he can't be easily replaced by the Dems before then. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Sounds like you are trying to hijack Sally’s post with another one of your Trump tirades. How sad

They Bidens DOJ LET THE MAIN 2 years slip away
oilfieldace's Avatar
There goes Hunter's secret plan to run for president. Then again, one idiot running for president has plenty of charges against him that he has to defend as well so maybe Hunter's secret plan is still possible to successfully execute.

In all seriousness, all you Trump obsessed folks don't get it because you are so confused by your blind love for Trump. Let me explain this to you with a few simple words - the only fucking way Trump becomes president again is if he runs against a mummy like Biden. If I was in Trump's simpleton cult, I would be rooting for Biden and not against him until close to election day so he can't be easily replaced by the Dems before then. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Just to clarify another one of your blunders , I love America , not Trump.
VitaMan's Avatar
Hunter already admitted to these tax charges as part of his plea deal. Now that the plea deal has stalled,
prosecutors file them in another jurisdiction ?

How can you prosecute someone who already admitted them to a court ? Are they going to use his admission as part of their prosecution ?

Doesn't it seem a little fishy - or unethical at best ?
ICU 812's Avatar
Mertaphores are coming to mind: Falling Dominos is one, Circling the drain is another, Pandora's Box is a third.

I feel a little like I am watching the Ervine Committee's Watergate hearings of fifty years ago. Things were waffling around with a lot of smoke, but no real fire. Then one seemingly minor witness made a casual remark about the previously unknown, secret, Oval Office audio recording system . . .and that revelation lead eventually to Nixon's resignation.
VitaMan's Avatar
I applaud the grand jury for indicting Hunter, after reviewing the available information and evidence.
The grand jury findings are that enough was available to indicate the possibility a crime could have been committed.

This shows at least in the USA, no one is above the law.

It is unfortunate others that have been indicted immediately distort facts by claiming the reason they have been indicted is a political witch hunt. They complain the judicial system is crooked and fixed, and the judges corrupt. Some of them even go further and state groups or individuals are out to get them. Even going on social media.

It takes special people to attack the judicial system in the USA after they have been indicted. There are not many that would even consider doing that. Instead, they would have their day in court.
eyecu2's Avatar
It is really as simple as you are for the United States Constitution or you are for a totalitarian REPUBLICAN Party dictatorship with different judicial standards for political opponents.

Has nothing to do with Trump or Biden. Originally Posted by farmstud60

Fixed it for ya.

Remember when Trump asked for dirt on his opponent, and remember when Trump paid his fair share of taxes on his inheritance from his father?

Actually the difference is Hunter DID eventually pay up on his taxes, but now they are going after him for filing them later or that there were some issues with what he wrote off. Not like inflated values or offsets against made-up values, like a real shit bird fuckface conniving mobster type would do, but you know a couple extra grand in hooker related items, and things like golf memberships, cause all good tax write-offs include golf...where did I hear about that now....hmmmmmm?

The tax code is written by and for rich folks so they can write off the shit they like to spend money on, and allows them to do it tax free. Just saying. The whole refinance capital out of realestate as a loan, and never pay taxes on it, is a scam that needs to be reviewed. Taxes on all capital gains should be treated the same- but it's not. wonder why?

What will Hunter's fate be? I'm predicting a nice fat fine, a demand for any overdue tax -and probation. Had he not filed, he'd be going to the big house. But that is HIGHLY unlikely. Further- If this is a criminal charge- he'll never impune his pops.