Why Is Mueller Handing Off Key Cases?

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Finally, all the handed-off cases raise questions about whether a special prosecutor was needed at all. Mueller clearly felt there was no need for a special prosecutor to pursue Cohen or Butina -- and one could argue that the Butina case, at least, was closer to Mueller's core mission than the Paul Manafort prosecution. And if the 12 Russians matter, a case that goes to the heart of the Trump-Russia affair, can be fairly tried by DOJ prosecutors, it's reasonable to ask:Why was a special counsel appointed in the first place?

Finally, all the handed-off cases raise questions about whether a special prosecutor was needed at all. Mueller clearly felt there was no need for a special prosecutor to pursue Cohen or Butina -- and one could argue that the Butina case, at least, was closer to Mueller's core mission than the Paul Manafort prosecution. And if the 12 Russians matter, a case that goes to the heart of the Trump-Russia affair, can be fairly tried by DOJ prosecutors, it's reasonable to ask:Why was a special counsel appointed in the first place? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
He's handing them off because there is nothing there for him to indict Trump on but naturally the "drive by media" says nothing about Mueller's non interest in any of these cases, they just keep preaching their BS so the "uninformed" think something is happening and will happen and of course, they (the lyin media) will keep it going right up to mid term elections and more than likely right up to the general election.

How to rid of the lyin sack of poop media's malpractices should be America's (aka "we the people's") next agenda.
bamscram's Avatar
Small fish in their basket, big fish in his.
Small fish in their basket, big fish in his. Originally Posted by bamscram
You 0zombies have a right to your opinions...

bamscram's Avatar
You 0zombies have a right to your opinions...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

You TDS fanatics have yours comrade.