china sees Trump as master tactician

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Stable Genius? Sorry Democrats, But This Is How China Views Trump’s Foreign Policy

looks like Trump has the chinese elites all rankled up.

Dems thinks he's unstable and reckless. but the chinese see him in a different light, they consider him to be a viable threat to their world order and the old world order.

My interlocutors say that Mr Trump is the US first president for more than 40 years to bash China on three fronts simultaneously: trade, military and ideology. They describe him as a master tactician, focusing on one issue at a time, and extracting as many concessions as he can. They speak of the skilful way Mr Trump has treated President Xi Jinping. “Look at how he handled North Korea,” one says. “He got Xi Jinping to agree to UN sanctions [half a dozen] times, creating an economic stranglehold on the country. China almost turned North Korea into a sworn enemy of the country.” But they also see him as a strategist, willing to declare a truce in each area when there are no more concessions to be had, and then start again with a new front.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
It kills me how these “smart liberals” haven’t figured it out yet.

There’s definitely a method to Trumps so called “madness”. They think Putin owns him when in reality it is Trump who is playing Putin.

All you checker players are getting check mated.
bamscram's Avatar
People like him were refer to as "loose cannons"
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
It kills me how these “smart liberals” haven’t figured it out yet.

There’s definitely a method to Trumps so called “madness”. They think Putin owns him when in reality it is Trump who is playing Putin.

All you checker players are getting check mated. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

yeah, the punditry noticed Trump is attempting to pull a reverse nixon, that is to draw Russia to U.S. orbit from China orbit like the way Nixon drew China to U.S, orbit from USSR orbit in the early 70's.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
remember when Trump took a call from the Taiwan president and the "uproar" over it? well even the WaPost knew that it was in reality a planned and brilliant chess move by Trump.

Trump’s Taiwan call wasn’t a blunder. It was brilliant.

some points of interest .. since the lazy liberals here won't even read the link ..

The message, as John Bolton correctly put it, was that “the president of the United States [will] talk to whomever he wants if he thinks it’s in the interest of the United States, and nobody in Beijing gets to dictate who we talk to.”


oh and you libs complaining about "trade wars" (Tiny .. are you listening??)

"My American Enterprise Institute colleague Derek Scissors has suggested that Trump could negotiate a new free-trade agreement with Taiwan. “Taiwan’s tiny population means there is no jobs threat,” Scissors says, but Taiwan is also the United States’ ninth-largest trading partner. A free-trade agreement would be economically beneficial to both sides and would send a message to friend and foe alike in Asia that, despite Trump’s planned withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the United States is not withdrawing from the region."

Remember .. this article was written before Trump was even sworn in ... and he has been riling up the "establishment" ever since.

to sum up ..

"China does not want to make the same mistake and overplay its hand with Trump. Trump’s call with Taiwan’s president was a smart, calculated move designed to send a clear message: The days of pushing the United States around are over. "

"That may horrify official Washington, but it’s the right message to send."
It kills me how these “smart liberals” haven’t figured it out yet.

There’s definitely a method to Trumps so called “madness”. They think Putin owns him when in reality it is Trump who is playing Putin.

All you checker players are getting check mated. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

A fact the left will NEVER admit to.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It kills me how these “smart liberals” haven’t figured it out yet.

There’s definitely a method to Trumps so called “madness”. They think Putin owns him when in reality it is Trump who is playing Putin.

All you checker players are getting check mated. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Yssup Rider's Avatar
yeah, the punditry noticed Trump is attempting to pull a reverse nixon, that is to draw Russia to U.S. orbit from China orbit like the way Nixon drew China to U.S, orbit from USSR orbit in the early 70's. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Reading tea leaves, BONE COLLECTOR?

The very notion that Twitler is playing the rest of the world is laughable outside your thick, musty bubble.

Try not to fart in the elevator next time, DICK WORSHIPPER.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Reading tea leaves, BONE COLLECTOR?

The very notion that Twitler is playing the rest of the world is laughable outside your thick, musty bubble.

Try not to fart in the elevator next time, DICK WORSHIPPER. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Is it? or only to you and your few fellow anti-Trump fucktard posters here?

Trump’s Taiwan call wasn’t a blunder. It was brilliant.

i made this in large font because we all know ... pigs have poor eyesight.

Reading tea leaves, BONE COLLECTOR?

The very notion that Twitler is playing the rest of the world is laughable outside your thick, musty bubble.

Try not to fart in the elevator next time, DICK WORSHIPPER. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What if you are wrong, and Trump is right?
LexusLover's Avatar
It kills me how these “smart liberals” haven’t figured it out yet. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
It's killing them also. One vote at a time.

Why do you think they want "open borders"? Stuff the boxes!

In Bexar County the Dems used vegetable trucks to haul their voters to the polls with promises of beer and tamales after they voted according to the "poop" sheet they were handed when the climbed aboard. LBJ knew the process!
rexdutchman's Avatar
"smart liberals Wow never going to happen ,,,,, And yes other counties are starting to see the light ,, Just not the liberal here ,,,
Hotrod511's Avatar
TDS Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Dipshit with TDS /\/\
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It's killing them also. One vote at a time.

Why do you think they want "open borders"? Stuff the boxes!

In Bexar County the Dems used vegetable trucks to haul their voters to the polls with promises of beer and tamales after they voted according to the "poop" sheet they were handed when the climbed aboard. LBJ knew the process! Originally Posted by LexusLover

of course he did! how do you think he got the nickname "Landslide Lyndon"??

and to think .. without that he wouldn't have ended up as President.
bamscram's Avatar
It kills me how these “smart liberals” haven’t figured it out yet.

There’s definitely a method to Trumps so called “madness”. They think Putin owns him when in reality it is Trump who is playing Putin.

All you checker players are getting check mated. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Check mated is in chess.