Provider Ads - Whats annoying to you?

JackJohnson's Avatar
I have been looking at lots of provider ads, as I often find myself in discussions with girls in the business about what brings men in. I thought I would throw it out there and ask the question:

What annoys you in provider ads?

Annoyance could be "I won't see a girl that posts THIS" or "I find this irritating" the level is up to you.

I'll list mine (in no particular order) These are my opinions only, YMMV.

REMINDERS OF MONEY - Calling yourself "Cash Money", posting pics of you with a wad of 100s, memes that say that "real men tip," or whatever. I know its a transaction, if you want to treat me like an ATM machine so you can increase your stack for your next picture try someone else. Do you really think I looked at that picture of you with your stack of money and thought... Oh YEAH, I gotta get with her! All that screams upsell and a bad attitude, to me.

PICTURES THAT REVEAL NOTHING - I know that some providers want to hide their identities, but if you want to hide what you look like in general you need to use Photoshop, or get some pictures done, or something. What you look like is important, it's not everything, but if you're going to charge more than the market average, or limit your menu, etc then you'd better bring it with your imagery. There are many ways to shoot your selfies at angles that don't show much, but show lots of things. Why would I give you hundreds of dollars and book my time HOPING that you were actually attractive to me when I showed up?

MEMES AND DISCLAIMERS - If you are going to clutter your ads with lots of memes of cherries, or don't waste my time, or whatever graphics are available for you to use ( No "40-50-60 specials" is a popular one) I have to let you know, I don't think many men care about your memes (pictures/graphics) that tell them how to be "upscale" or how precious your time is. Again, it's about selling the fantasy as a whole, and your memetic attempts to persuade are largely lost as we look at your tits.

I won't even disclose the laughable law enforcement disclaimer. Go see the KC board for a great laugher on that one

BAD OUTFITS/"No effort pics" - Come on girls. I know most of you think you're just incredibly smoking hot wearing your tube top, flip flops and some sweats while you take a selfie in front of the bathroom mirror after you just got out of bed, but... yeah... no. Think through your pictures. Does this make me look sexy? What purpose does it serve? What image am I trying to convey? There isn't anything wrong

And really... don't confuse access with attractiveness (so many women do!) one takes a lot more work.

Just because some men aren't that picky and you are making some money (without taking pics of it ) doesn't mean you aren't missing out on a larger market share.


My summary - I'm buying a FANTASY - keep that Fantasy alive in your advertising, as well as your business conduct.

Feel free to post irritating advertising habits those that turn you off, etc... or just respond.
thebuffmantraples's Avatar
You feeling OK Jack!
The girls with the Benjamin's pics are funny( I have no idea what there aiming at but if I'm not in the line of sight even better).
There's all kinds for all purposes, occasions, and palettes. I'm glad not everyone has my taste! It would be boring otherwise...
The ones with the lettering across there nice chest areas is what really brings me down, you know something really failed there! By the grace of god there go I....
So, how about starting a thread on the good ones in whichatity.. Let's focus on the good.
Good thread! I was just thinking of this same thing the other day. Everything you've mentioned is annoying to me! I wonder how some girls even get calls lol

Annoying shit in ads:
- a photo of her hip or her side
- reading the same exact ad I placed 3 months ago
- girls using the same descriptive words over and over again
- over photoshopped pics...covering up blemishes is one thing but deleting a stomach and building an ass is doing too damn much
- dirty greasy hair pics
- girls who say they are ranked number 1 in the area... I wanna know who the hell ranked them??
- seeing the same ads every other day.
- and as you said, the pointless disclaimers. That is extremely laughable!

You make some excellent points babe. I am still learning and there is nothing wrong with doing some extra work to be the reputable product that will continue to sell. I wish more girls realized this.

Always love your insightful posts Jack!
Pictures of a messy room or taken in the shitter guy in the background.
JackJohnson's Avatar
You feeling OK Jack!
The girls with the Benjamin's pics are funny( I have no idea what there aiming at but if I'm not in the line of sight even better).
There's all kinds for all purposes, occasions, and palettes. I'm glad not everyone has my taste! It would be boring otherwise...
The ones with the lettering across there nice chest areas is what really brings me down, you know something really failed there! By the grace of god there go I....
So, how about starting a thread on the good ones in whichatity.. Let's focus on the good. Originally Posted by thebuffmantraples
You can put the Bad... good... and everything in between

This has been kicking around for awhile, and I thought I would put up a topic for folks to comment on, it's sort of slow around the ICT We have a lot of experienced folks that can attest (providers and clients) what grinds their gears in ads!

I hope its beneficial... be careful when you point out specific ADS that are good, or providers who advertise well... you'll be starting a real controversy then! (notice, I didn't name names!)

Have fun with it!
thebuffmantraples's Avatar
You can put the Bad... good... and everything in between

This has been kicking around for awhile, and I thought I would put up a topic for folks to comment on, it's sort of slow around the ICT We have a lot of experienced folks that can attest (providers and clients) what grinds their gears in ads!

I hope its beneficial... be careful when you point out specific ADS that are good, or providers who advertise well... you'll be starting a real controversy then! (notice, I didn't name names!)

Have fun with it! Originally Posted by JackJohnson
Hell no. I'd never point directly at a bad or good ad. Shoot who in the foot!?!

Just need a good pace so I don't go overboard on the crappy ads. But some are priceless.
Hell no. I'd never point directly at a bad or good ad. Originally Posted by thebuffmantraples
You are nice. Lol. I've commented on good and bad ads! Hell I've even laughed at some of my old ads. I think I wrote a few of them when I was drunk
thebuffmantraples's Avatar
You are nice. Lol. I've commented on good and bad ads! Hell I've even laughed at some of my old ads. I think I wrote a few of them when I was drunk Originally Posted by Gemma34
Lol. Too funny. Do you keep any for posterity. I need to keep a drunkalog so I know what dumb shit I do sometimes.
Lol! I'll always have ECCIE!
Selfies!!! If you wanna see how it should be done, just look at Gemma's pictures. They just exude class! Nothing causes me to pass over a provider quicker than a selfie.
Audrey Astor's Avatar
Good thread! I was just thinking of this same thing the other day. Everything you've mentioned is annoying to me! I wonder how some girls even get calls lol

Annoying shit in ads:
- a photo of her hip or her side
- reading the same exact ad I placed 3 months ago
- girls using the same descriptive words over and over again
- over photoshopped pics...covering up blemishes is one thing but deleting a stomach and building an ass is doing too damn much
- dirty greasy hair pics
- girls who say they are ranked number 1 in the area... I wanna know who the hell ranked them??
- seeing the same ads every other day.
- and as you said, the pointless disclaimers. That is extremely laughable!

You make some excellent points babe. I am still learning and there is nothing wrong with doing some extra work to be the reputable product that will continue to sell. I wish more girls realized this.

Always love your insightful posts Jack! Originally Posted by Gemma34
Oh my gosh, you guys are killing me! I think the ones with all the money, are just waiting for the money to be picked up. LOL And Gemma, I'm sure I am number 1 at something, jeeze. LOL I love the ones showing the messy rooms, or messy bathroom counters too. he he
Donation at the door! How do i know what the donation is if i can't do any Explicit Talking???

I like most P411 ads because the donation,and activities are spelled out.The ladies that don't go to the trouble of listing activities,don't get a second look from me.
Why would I give you hundreds of dollars and book my time HOPING that you were actually attractive to me when I showed up?

don't confuse access with attractiveness (so many women do!) one takes a lot more work.

Just because some men aren't that picky and you are making some money (without taking pics of it ) doesn't mean you aren't missing out on a larger market share. Originally Posted by JackJohnson
Excellent points...

Many ladies could do a much better job with their marketing.

I have found that good advertising is a direct indication of the quality of service.

There are some great ladies in Wichita that do and excellent job in their marketing, these ICT ladies also deliver the service.

From recent experience, clear communication of rates.
Oh my gosh, you guys are killing me! I think the ones with all the money, are just waiting for the money to be picked up. LOL And Gemma, I'm sure I am number 1 at something, jeeze. LOL I love the ones showing the messy rooms, or messy bathroom counters too. he he Originally Posted by Holly Love
LOL! Good one Holly hahaha! You are such a smartie