Marketing Help

Not sure where best to post this, so I'm doing it here, mods if there is a better place let me know.

Ladies, are you looking to build a web site for yourself? Do you have the ideas but not the execution? Maybe you have a sexy portfolio but nowhere to post it, or at least not the right ideas about where to do it.

Let me help you out. I am an experienced marketer and I'd like to help you. We all know how important a brand can be in establishing a good group of loyal consumers so, why not out your best foot forward. Allow me to help you create an image that works for you and tells the story you want to tell.

If you are looking for help, somebody to take the lead on design, or just need some advice let me know. My rates are flexible and negotiable. Send me an IM if interested and then we can start talking to see if its right for you and what your goals are in business.

Thanks, I hope to hear from you soon.