One-Click Access to All of the Clinton Foundation's Dirty Laundry - Keep This Thread Handy

lustylad's Avatar
Here is a website that comprehensively catalogues all of the scandals that have come out regarding the Clinton Foundation to date. Even if you think you know all the dirt, you will find more here that you don't know. I took the time to list all of the individual topics so everyone can quickly find what they are looking for.

WARNING - Most of you will need to take a shower and wash thoroughly after you read everything!

  • The Clinton Global Initiative

  • Additional Programs of the Clinton Foundations

  • An Apparent Quid Pro Quo Donation to the Clinton Foundations

  • Collecting Donations to Fund the Clinton Presidential Library

  • Donation to ACORN

  • The Clintons Claim Tax Deductions for Donations They Made To Their Own Foundation

  • The Foundation Refuses to Reveal Information About Its Lucrative Sale of Stock in a Firm With Ties to the Chinese Government

  • Fiscal Mismanagement and Lucrative Sponsorships

  • Muslim Brotherhood Connection

  • Troubling Donors

  • Overlap of Domestic Donors to the Clinton Foundation And Hillary Clinton's Political Campaigns

  • Overlap of Key Personnel Involved With the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Political Campaigns

  • 2011-2013

  • Donors to the Clinton Foundation Receive Prestigious State Department Awards

  • Clinton Foundation Spends Little of Its Revenues On Direct Aid

  • The Clinton Foundation Misreports Tens of Millions of Dollars It Received From Foreign Governments

  • Hillary Resigns From Clinton Foundation Board

  • Quid Pro Quo: Donations to the Clinton Foundation In Return for Policy Favors

  • The Clinton Foundation Rakes In Millions of Dollars, While Helping Russia Gain Control of 20% of US Uranium Reserves

  • Overlap Between the Clinton Foundation and Hillary Clinton's Political Campaigns

  • Criminals on the Clinton Foundation's Board of Trustees

  • Donations from George Stephanopoulus, Longtime Clinton Ally-Turned-Newsman

  • Donations from Numerous Media Organizations and Individuals

  • $26 Million In Previously Undisclosed Income

  • Clinton State Department Awarded Billions In Arms Deals to Human-Rights-Violating-Governments That Donated to the Clinton Foundation

  • 21 Major Revelations In Clinton Cash, by Peter Schweizer:
  1. Clintons Bagged at Least $3.4 Million for 18 Speeches Funded by Keystone Pipeline Banks

  2. Clinton Foundation Shook Down a Tiny Tsunami Relief Nonprofit for a $500,000 Speaking Fee

  3. Clinton Foundation “Strong-Armed” Charity Watchdog Group

  4. Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. Gave Clinton Foundation Donors Weapons Deals

  5. Clintons Hid 1,100 Foreign Donor Names in Violation of Ethics Agreement with Obama Admin.

  6. At Least 181 Clinton Foundation Donors Lobbied Hillary’s State Dept.

  7. Two of Hillary Clinton’s Top Donors Were Major Felons

  8. Clintons’ Charity Scored Millions from Qatar and Donations from Corrupt FIFA Soccer Organization

  9. The Clintons’ Have a Secret “Pass-Through” Company—WJC, LLC

  10. Hillary Funneled $10K Monthly Payments to Sidney Blumenthal Through Clinton Foundation

  11. Bill Clinton Scored a $500,000 Speech in Moscow Paid for by a Kremlin-backed Bank

  12. Hillary Clinton’s Brother Sits on the Board of a Mining Co. that Received a Coveted Haitian “Gold Exploitation Permit” that Has Only Twice Been Awarded in 50 Years. Rodham Met the Mining Executive in Charge of the Company at a Clinton Foundation Event

  13. Court Proceedings Reveal Hillary’s Brother Claimed Admits Clinton Foundation and the Clintons Are Key to His Haiti Connections

  14. Clinton Foundation Violated Memorandum of Understanding with the Obama Admin. by Keeping Secret a Foreign Donation of Two Million Shares of Stock from a Foreign Executive with Business Before Hillary’s State Dept.

  15. Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Claims She Had No Idea Her State Dept. Was Considering Approving the Transfer of 20% of U.S. Uranium to the Russian Govt.—Even as the Clinton Foundation Bagged $145 Million in Donations from Investors in the Deal

  16. A For-Profit University Put Bill Clinton on Its Payroll and Scored a Jump in Funding from Hillary Clinton’s State Dept.* When Clinton Cash Revealed the Scheme, Bill Clinton Quickly Resigned

  17. The Head of the Russian Govt’s Uranium Company Ian Telfer Made Secret Donations Totaling $2.35 Million to the Clinton Foundation—as Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. Approved the Transfer of 20% of All U.S. Uranium to the Russians

  18. Bill and Hillary Clinton Have Made at Least $26 Million in Speaking Fees from Entities Who Are Top Clinton Foundation Donors

  19. Former Clinton Campaign Operative-Turned-ABC News Host George Stephanopoulos Failed to Disclose His $75,000 Donation and Deep Involvement in the Clinton Foundation Before Launching an Attack Interview Against Clinton Cash Author

  20. Clinton Foundation Mega Donor Frank Holmes Claimed He Sold Uranium One Before Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. Approved the Russian Transfer—Despite His Company’s Own SEC Filings Proving Otherwise

  21. Hillary’s Foundation Accepted $1 Million from Human Rights Violator Morocco for a Lavish Event

  • Accepting Donations From Anti-Gay African Church

  • The Clinton Foundation's Secretive Activities In Sweden

  • "This Charity Is a Fraud"

  • Hacked DNC Memo Reveals Multitude of Clinton Froundation Scandals

  • Clinton Foundation's Canadian Affiliate Spends More Than 70% On Overhead
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Facts will not sway Hillary supporters. The have made themselves immune to facts. We are very similar to Rome as it was falling. Hillary will hasten the end of America. This was the greatest experiment in self government in world history, and we won't even make 300 years. Hillary will drive the nail through the heart of freedom, and representative government.
lustylad's Avatar
The link I provided contains details of almost 50 separate Clinton Foundation scandals!

If I behaved like the lib-retarded spammer-bot trolls* on this forum, I could have started 50 new threads!

*(Sissy Chap, UnderGreasy, LubedAss and MT Jockstrap)
LexusLover's Avatar
The Clintons "outsource" most of their dirty laundry to Sweden ... which is a handy spot to keep your stash if one needs to flee the jurisdiction and sustain oneself for a sufficient period of time to make any prosecution "moot"!
bambino's Avatar
I watched Clinton Cash last night on OAN. The Clintons are worse than I thought. Criminal minds.
LexusLover's Avatar
I watched Clinton Cash last night on OAN. The Clintons are worse than I thought. Criminal minds. Originally Posted by bambino
May be you have just been giving them "some benefit of a doubt"!

I did my snooping just after he announced his candidacy for POTUS.

It progressed from Tyson chicken through governor mansion frolicking to the "disappearance" of Arkansas State Troopers who served as taxi drivers and "look outs"! The public persona was revealed in the Arkansas "Clean" Water Act he pushed and signed.

Does anyone actually believe Bonnie didn't know what Clyde was doing?

bambino's Avatar
May be you have just been giving them "some benefit of a doubt"!

I did my snooping just after he announced his candidacy for POTUS.

It progressed from Tyson chicken through governor mansion frolicking to the "disappearance" of Arkansas State Troopers who served as taxi drivers and "look outs"! The public persona was revealed in the Arkansas "Clean" Water Act he pushed and signed.

Does anyone actually believe Bonnie didn't know what Clyde was doing?

Originally Posted by LexusLover
I knew they were bad people. I didn't think they were clever enough to leverage their office into almost a billion dollar shakedown scheme. And get away with it.
  • DSK
  • 08-23-2016, 08:10 AM
Facts will not sway Hillary supporters. The have made themselves immune to facts. We are very similar to Rome as it was falling. Hillary will hasten the end of America. This was the greatest experiment in self government in world history, and we won't even make 300 years. Hillary will drive the nail through the heart of freedom, and representative government. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That being the case, and I don't disagree with your thesis, are you onboard with printing more money to pay for all the bullshit, versus raising taxes?

Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
I knew they were bad people. I didn't think they were clever enough to leverage their office into almost a billion dollar shakedown scheme. And get away with it. Originally Posted by bambino
Who says they've been any more clever than Bonnie and Clyde, who didn't get "away with it" either! They are not the first people who have sold access and favors from their government position.

The list is almost endless. The only people who allow them to continue are the voters and the press who enabled them in the 90's and the folks on whom they have dirt, who are more than likely either the buyers or recipients of purchased favors and influence.

Once someone accepts the benefit of a bribe they are owned.

If he was not popular with his flashy smile they'd both be in prison.