
OK, so the CoEd section is a little slow. Let's get it moving.

Since we live in a time that people depend on electronics so much now......tell me this. What is the one electronic device you could not live without?

Mine would be my smart phone.
MacGeek's Avatar
iPhone. I'll never own another phone....I'll just keep upgrading! ;-)
franksandbeans's Avatar
My laptop!!! How could I keep up with all of you without it..........
I have too many to count - iPhone, Laptop, HDTV, satellite radio - I'm too spoiled. But I'm a Capitalist.
Adrielle's Avatar
I don't think I could choose just one. Probably my laptop. It's older, but still gets the job done. Or my dvr. Or my ipod. Just thinking about being without any of those makes me cringe. But I guess since my laptop does everything that my other gadgets do, I'll go with that.
My iphone. I use it for everything.
6ULDV8's Avatar
I think it'd have to be my cell. But the internet sure keeps me happy.
An Internet capable device (of any kind).


- Jackie
An Internet capable device (of any kind).


- Jackie Originally Posted by jackie@sintropolis
Hmmm any type? give me an idea for the ladies a vibrator connected to the internet to be activated by multiple players? Gives a new meaning to XboX l Does anyone know a good patent attorney?
roboy25's Avatar
Hell, I wouldn't make it to the day without my electronic coffee maker,,,LOL, I know, I know...
They need to come up with a dildo that you can stick on a wall, table, chair, everywhere you can think of...etc that you can move around so you can fuck it in all kinds of different positions. I know they have those fuck machines which are cool, but that is a little bulky & hard to hide LOL. Just want to have a great dildo that is just the right size that can be very, very mobile lol. Shoving a vibrator in & out of my box is great, but if I could just mount it somewhere & fuck it like I would a guy I would be able to get off a million times easier, cum a million times harder and have much more multiple orgasms than just the 'ol in/out with my hands. I'd like to free them up LOL.
Does this dildo exist? If so then please give me the link so I can use my favorite Electronic Device to order it LOL.
Shogun2000's Avatar
Like many of you, my smartphone. Currently using a Blackberry and I love it! Anxiously awaiting to see if the rumors of an Apple tablet are true.
Hmmm any type? give me an idea for the ladies a vibrator connected to the internet to be activated by multiple players? Gives a new meaning to XboX l Does anyone know a good patent attorney? Originally Posted by goner115
Internet connected (enabled) sex toys:

I should have been more specific and said an Internet enabled electronic device that accepts user input which is capable of browsing the World Wide Web and displaying the results via a graphical interface . . .


- Jackie
SFviii's Avatar
Mine are the android phone and netbook.
gman44's Avatar
my laptop is who I am