The retarded Right will be just as impartial I'm sure

eccieuser9500's Avatar

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?
bambino's Avatar
Thanks for posting. The Retarded Left had their turn and they have nothing.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Biden directing the Ukrainians to give his son opportunities is something to be investigated. Who knows where it will lead?

I think Biden should get the Democrats nomination. He has groveled enough to deserve it.
Sounds like Special Council time.

Make them all Lawyer up. Raid their fukin' houses at 5:AM in full SWAT gear. Bankrupt the whole bunch.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
So this is the left admitting that it was not impartial...
Redhot1960's Avatar

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

In an ironic twist, it was recently reported that the Ukrainian Parliament is investigating Ukrainian allies of Hillary Clinton for interfering with the American presidential election of 2016 to help her – this news released the day before the Mueller Report, indicating no evidence of Russian “collusion” or obstruction of justice by then-candidate Trump, was transmitted to the Department of Justice. I wonder why the Ukraine story has been effectively spiked by some media outlets.

The reality is that the biased, high-ranking Justice Department officials, who wanted to project Clinton to the White House and prevent a Trump presidency, failed in their objective but have managed to undermine the credibility of the good men and women who work in the agencies and bureaus of the DOJ. They have chewed up tens of millions of taxpayer dollars and hindered progress of the Trump agenda by requiring that the administration devote time and resources to defend itself.

Their persecution of this president and his supporters for political ends will come back to haunt them because, at some point, the American people simply will not tolerate unjust motives and attacks that are provable prevarications.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
guess the media thinks the democrat ukraine collusion is fake news.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

Thanks for posting. The Retarded Left had their turn and they have nothing. Originally Posted by bambino
Because the Retarded Right political appointees have not released the full and unredacted report. I see an invitation to address the Judiciary committee in Mueller's future.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Because the Retarded Right political appointees have not released the full and unredacted report. I see an invitation to address the Judiciary committee in Mueller's future. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

By law the full unredacted report CANNOT be released. AND WON'T BE. That's the LAW.

So summon Mueller and see what you get. a lot of "I cannot reply due to confidential material."

what u and the MSNBC Madcow gonna say then? another conspiracy? Obstruction? Collusion?

u guys are runnin' outta time, excuses and credibility.

see u in 2020.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Then what of the Ukranian-Democrat "conspiracy"? Is it a wash? Offsetting penalties? Repeat fourth down?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Then what of the Ukranian-Democrat "conspiracy"? Is it a wash? Offsetting penalties? Repeat fourth down? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

what about it? we all know Hillary is a crooked dog, was that your point? it's still out there simmering and may yet blow up in that bitch's face, along with a LOT of other far worse shit.
stay tuned sports fans.

you can't deflect the FACT Hillary did collude with Ukraine that Trump also did with Russia. Sorry. that dog won't hunt.

Mueller said so.

lustylad's Avatar
It is against the law to accept cash campaign donations from foreigners. It is NOT a crime to talk to foreigners about any "dirt" they may happen to possess on your opponent. But it stinks politically if you are caught.

The big "crime" of the trump campaign was naivete. They were too stupid and amateurish to put six degrees of separation between themselves and the Russians. Look how Don Jr. jumped right into that Trump Tower meeting. The "pros" in the Clinton campaign knew better than that. They channeled all of their requests for Russian dirt through law firms (Perkins Coie), oppo research consultants (Fusion GPS) and British ex-spies (Christopher Steele)!

It will be interesting to see how careful the hildebeest folks were in camouflaging their interactions with the Ukrainians who released the famous payment ledger that got Paul Manafort fired as trumpy's campaign manager in August 2016.