Cain's Pussy Problem

TexTushHog's Avatar
And I thought that Newt was the guy with the biggest pussy problem in the Republican field. He's an amateur compared to old Herman!!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If you think this is a deal breaker, then apologize for voting for Clinton.
If you think this is a deal breaker, then apologize for voting for Clinton. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Ya, It's kinda hard to have it both ways. As I recall Clinton had problems with Jennifer Flowers or was it Paula Jones pressing sexual harassment charges. I don't care who they sleep with; that's an issue between a husband and his wife / family. Sexual harassment is a different issue. Sexual harassment isn't a pussy issue it's a legal and moral issue. I would expect a an attorney to know the difference.
budman33's Avatar
well as long as affairs are off the table from now on sounds good. Unfortunately the Right Wing Conservatives have screamed to the heavens that they don't approve of this stuff. This isn't a leftist problem this is the conservative Base's shark to jump.
You have it right. Sooner or later, there is no way that the right wing of the GOP would let Cain slide on his womanizing.

In a general election, I believe the indescretions would be far from fatal. Bill Clinton got a pass, (He was re-elected), and other African American Leaders got a pass. Martin Luther King was a womanizer, as is Jesse Jackson. One has aquired Sainthood, the other is at least tolerated.

Hell, Newt just likes pussy. Can't say as I blame him.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I don't have a problem with it. It's the Bible thumpers in the Republican primary who will have a problem with it. That's why Newt is going to be so hard for them to swallow. It's much less of a problem, though still an issue, in the general. Less so in the Democratic primary, although it does hurt some.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-28-2011, 07:57 PM
I don't have a problem with Cain but they went after Clinton and his was consensual with Monica. The righties will hollar that is was about lying but they still do not understand the difference of just what is, is. Newt led the pack. That will be a problem if he wins the nomination. He will not get the nomination though. In fact I do not even think he wants it. He wanted to stay some what important and stay employed on Fox News to help his consulting business. That was the only reason he was running IMHO. I really doubt that he wants to win bad enough to do the things he has to do to win.
I agree, Newt has been living the good life as of late, he is one hell of a consultant, and of course, a lobbyist. But he just ozzes "sleaze".

That, and why the hell would anybody even want the damn job. It ages a person five years for every one lived, and at any given time, about half the Country hates your guts.

I have a really nice book on the Presidents, and this is nothing new. I think that is why some Presidents were so bad, after a while they just didn't give a shit.
  • Laz
  • 11-28-2011, 08:50 PM
Cain could get by with all this crap unless he gets caught in a lie. A lot of people are tired of the bedroom politics but will not tolerate a lie.
.........................Newt led the pack. That will be a problem if he wins the nomination. He will not get the nomination though. In fact I do not even think he wants it. He wanted to stay some what important and stay employed on Fox News to help his consulting business. That was the only reason he was running IMHO. I really doubt that he wants to win bad enough to do the things he has to do to win. Originally Posted by WTF

Oh ya he did, and if, in this lifetime, he gets the nomination, it will be a shoe in for Obama because of ALL of Newt's baggage. I also agree, he won't get the nomination; in fact, I don't even know why he's bothering to run.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-28-2011, 09:22 PM
And I thought that Newt was the guy with the biggest pussy problem in the Republican field. He's an amateur compared to old Herman!! Originally Posted by TexTushHog
For the record...we need to quit calling it a problem. Lack of pussy is a problem. Hell 90% of the population wants Cain's problem!
I don't agree with Cain's politics but I am not going to condemn him on his personal life. I take the same position that I took with Clinton. If he can reconcile these issues with his wife, who am I to pass judgment?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I don't agree with Cain's politics but I am not going to condemn him on his personal life. I take the same position that I took with Clinton. If his wife is ok with it, who am I to pass judgment? Originally Posted by bigtex
Sounds like the makings of a great President eh bt? ROR!

Wasn't it JFK who told Nikita Khrushchev that if he didn't have sex everyday that he'd get a headache?

Ahhh...those were the good old days...

Some people cheat and their spouse has no inclining; others don't cheat and they have a ravenously jealous spouse at home. Besides, many couples have an "understanding"; you cheat discretely and I remain Mrs. Senator from XYZ State. Unless you're there, you never know which it is between any given man and woman.