What did you do for your 30th birthday?

Well the time as come and my 30th birthday is 2 weeks away. I am wanting to be a dare devil and do something crazy. I am thinking about going sky diving. I was wondering if when yall turned 30 did you do anything crazy adventurous?
mtabsw's Avatar
I managed to get laid by a civilian in Karachi.... NOT a local, and English woman who worked there.
Can't remember that far back.
(I think) I recall celebrating my 30th by running around at one of the socials butt naked. Not certain about everyone else, but I sure had a good time

I don't suggest you try that now, though....

Naked skydiving, perhaps?? Bungee jumping?? Fire-eating?? 'Gator wrestling?? Whatever you do, do it NAKED!
Sasquatch's Avatar
It's been a long time since I turned 30. I used to step out of perfectly good airplanes on a regular basis back then. All done fully clothed.

I recall a weekend around my 30th birthday with three naked Chinese girls in Hong Kong. It was still under British influence at the time. Those were the days of wild debauchery. It was pretty easy (cheap) to get a young lady to stay the weekend with you. The Dallas AMP girls are good but they don't even come close to my days in HK.
Energizer's Avatar
Hmm.....30th Birthday? I had lots of SEX on the beach for the first time! I finally found a GF that was not shy!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
When I turned 30, I had just gotten back from a two month trip backpacking through Mexico and started working two jobs to save for a trip through Europe. When I was 30, I was half wild with no anchors, no commitments to anyone and just dated, went out and screwed around. That was NO WAY to live!

My thoughts for YOUR birthday is to forget the skydiving and do that when you're a lot older and have less to lose.

Try to get some spirituality going.

Here's a thought:

Or go to a Buddhist temple and chant with the monks. Learn temperance.

Go on a Green Tortoise tour. http://www.greentortoise.com

This is a good thing to do at the age of 30. Because as my father told me years ago, when you step into your 30's, you're in the youth of old age.

If you get more grounded at the age of 30, life becomes more comfortable and there is less turmoil. For the record, I didn't learn anything along these lines until I was much older.

LOL. I'm just teasing. Sortof!

Kelly TNT's Avatar
I got my boobs done on my 30th birthday.

It was awesome! I was sooo Wasted!

Cause, I had anesthesia. So, I was pretty out of it. And stuff...so, yeah.

Good Times Good Times....Wooooo Hoooo 30th!!!

Have Fun. Don't have surgery.

Just Sayin...

~Kelly TNT
mtabsw's Avatar
I got my boobs done on my 30th birthday. Originally Posted by Kelly TNT
I didn't think you'd hit thirty already
Kelly TNT's Avatar
That's right you gorgeous man! I'm 27.
That's why I love you.

mtabsw: (gets extra butt squeeze)

~Kelly TNT
boo-boo bear's Avatar
I was haze gray and underway heading toward Palma, Spain. Upon pulling into port, spent the next two nights sampling the fine ladies at numerous brothels. (Bar-Hollywood & Bar-Kentucky down in the "gut" are some great memories!) In fact, the w-eather channel camera's that they still show pans across a brothel across from the harbor, I like to point that one out to the civvies and landlubbers.

Enjoy your birthday and have a great time!
Too long ago.... My oldtimer's is kicking in....

BTW, moved your thread.... Not Hobby Related....
bigmofo's Avatar
Still got about 5 yrs before I hit that point but my 26th is coming up in few months so I got a few potential duos ideas lol
Boltfan's Avatar
I guess I didn't think of my 30th as a milestone so I did not do anything memorable. My 21st I went to Laughlin (outside Vegas but on the Colorado river) and my 40th I am going somewhere not in North America.

If you have the budget Vegas is always a party destination. Plus there are some pretty good deals for rooms. Only issue might be airfare with only two weeks to go.
  • Sami
  • 06-29-2010, 09:50 AM
Remember it well. Me and some friends headed to the lake for the 4th of July as my b-day is the 5th so ended up drinking alot and some more and burnt my ass cheeks so bad I couldn't sit for a days. Guess I never noticed with the alcohol consumption. It was a blast though..