For those libs out there who blame GUNS for crime and bad things.

LazurusLong's Avatar
Not much to add other than this may be THE best gun control video ever made.

After you watch this, be sure to read my sig line.
tsrv4me's Avatar
NO law abiding citizen should be able to have a gun .ITS ALL BUSHS fault ......Listen to Senator Harkin from Iowa......who is mainly responsible for everything to do with the handicapped because his brother was Deaf .. The Great LIBERAL senator ..proposed that all guns in the USA be confiscated, put on a barge AND blown up and sunk in the middle of the ocean ...I forgot to mention ....maybe HE should be on the barge ALSO ......I lived in Iowa and can go on and on about his incompetence along with.... How does almost every Congressional and Senate member enter that fiels asiddle class to poorer citizen ....and leave VERY wealthy while mAKING what they consider poverty wages baffles me to no end ..I was never able to get that wealthy while working every day for 50 years .....way to go LAZURUS
TexTushHog's Avatar
Neither very clever or very convincing.
Any time a topic starts with simplistic labeling, I don't get very excited about either the content or the person.

Kudos to TexasTushHog . . .

LazurusLong's Avatar
Neither very clever or very convincing. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Yes but it IS 100% true and can't be denied.

House burglars look for the houses without Alarm company signs.

Auto once preyed on vehicles without visible alarms.

Those who seek to do harm, prefer to do so to those who cannot defend themselves.

Ever notice how carjacking in the Republic of Texas rarely happens now that we have concealed carry yet it was a plague upon drivers prior to that? Auto rental companies in Florida started to remove their decals from rental cars years ago because that told would be carjackers who to rob because out of state drivers were easier to rob because they wouldn't be carrying a weapon.

It amazes me how the vast majority of progressives who want to take other's guns away have no problem with hiring armed guards. They'd rather pay someone else to carry a gun instead of carrying their own.

What would happen in this scene IF Denny Crane wasn't armed?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Curious as to where caution leaves off and Chicken Little takes over......
TexTushHog's Avatar
Who is Denny Crane?
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Who is Denny Crane? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Character on Boston Legal played by William Shatner. One of the few shows that I actually liked to watch. With James Spader as the lead protagonist.
That video is kinda gay, but i do agree with you on the idiotic ideas of gun control.

here is another good vid on the myths that gun control nuts use to try to push their agenda.
crazy people and their off logic
LazurusLong's Avatar
Any time a topic starts with simplistic labeling, I don't get very excited about either the content or the person. Originally Posted by b2flyer51
When some only deal with emotions and not facts, those sorts tend to find things without emotional outbursts and shrieking and crying "simplistic" because they are actually too simple to look at facts and put aside the emotions to examine things with logic.

Forget to include the tired and over used "but it's for the safety of the children" and you are then called names such as "simplistic", and the name caller demonstrates that they are only a simpleton unable to debate facts but instead resort to childish name calling like you just did.
Oh no.

It's the Limbaugh/Hannity conservative-talking-point-approved "You're just an emotional liberal while I am a logical conservative" argument.

The video, by the way, is silly. There's not one bit of statistically reliable evidence that ownership of a firearm makes you less likely to be a crime victim. It's all anecdotal. There is, however, a huge amount of utterly reliable evidence that firearms owners are much, much more likely to be killed or injured by their gun than to use it to stop a criminal act. You figure it out.

You can parse the gun-death statistics almost any way you like....but the simple cold fact staring you in the face is that there are very few firearm deaths in countries like Britain, Japan, Australia and almost every other developed western nation that tightly regulate firearms. The citizens do not have guns. And their crime rates are lower than ours. In the US, we have around 30,000 gun deaths every year. That is around 80 people a day. 80 people every day. Half are suicide, some are accidents, many are homicides. Whatever....80 people every day.
There is really no reason to debate gun control. Guns are like gambling. Make it illegal and Americans will find a way to obtain them. Fear of losing your guns is irrational and a waste of energy. But crap like that commercial is great imagery. Fucking forget about what you think you might lose. Its like my mother wondering if a 5 in rainfall will flood my house. Reality is not part of the equation.
LazurusLong's Avatar
There is, however, a huge amount of utterly reliable evidence that firearms owners are much, much more likely to be killed or injured by their gun than to use it to stop a criminal act. You figure it out. Originally Posted by timpage

There are estimates that over 80 million gun owners live in the US. That leaves about 220 million that don't own guns for one reason or another. I bet if you look at which pool has more violence done to them, the non gun owners, especially in cities like Chicago or DC, are much higher than in cities and states where there is a significantly higher rate of gun ownership.

Examine the murder rate in cities such as Chicago and DC after they prevented citizens from exercising their right to bear arms.

How about you go find and post those gun owners more likely to be killed or injured facts to this thread. In your mind, gun owners shouild be killing themselves off faster than they can be replaced if they are so much more likely to be killed.

Meanwhile, here's a great book filled with over ten years of actual facts and research.
"More Guns, Less Crime by John Lott.

BTW. Here's a quick study for you.

Go look at Switzerland. Where men are expected and required to keep not just a handgun, but a functioning assault weapon at the ready at all times.

Crime in that country is immensely less than any NO gun city or state in the US.

I'll wait for your facts. Not anecdotes.

Here's some questions for you.

Do you rely on calling 9-1-1 for your personal safety? You do know that the police are horrible at preventing crime and are only marginal at solving person on person crimes I hope.

Did you ever take the time to read not just the US Constitution but also the Federalist Papers that talked about how and why they came up with the list of rights that no form of government can be allowed take away if a people wish to remain free?
lol, thats whats so funny. If you look at many CRIME statistics and not just GUN RELATED Crime statistics, you see that in many cases all CRIMES are higher after gun bans went into effect. Including the United Kingdom, which banned gun ownership like 10 years ago or so. They are one of the most strict gun control countries. Look at D.C and Chicago gun laws. After they banned guns in those cities, all crimes skyrocketed.

When ya really look at the facts and dont get caught up in the conservative vs liberal mudslinging, or the talking heads or crying moms on tv, you can clearly see the truth.

There is alot of good information out there for those that choose to educate themselves.

Here is another good video that discusses the facts.