The two tear-jerkers

Are there two movies guaranteed to bring a tear? Mine: Field of Dreams (I'm a guy.) A League of Their Own (I've got a 23 y/o daughter who just might think she can accomplish ANYTHING.)
repairman's Avatar
I hate to admit this....Somewhere in time
Sparticus ..........saddest ending I know of
OldGrump's Avatar
I haven't seen the movie, but when I read Marley & Me I had to use more than one Kleenex.
Mr No Confidence's Avatar
Forrest Gump, how that retard lost everyone he loved. It had it's sad parts.

The Shawshank Redemption, I just picked this one off the top of my head really. You could switch that out with City of Angels, The Green Mile, or Philadelphia.

But really, the first half of Wall-E outdo Bambi or UP, as far as "tearjerking" ability. How that damn robot was alone just toiling around.

Gets me *sniffles* almost everytime. *sniffles*
Hawkeye's Avatar
Field of Dreams is my favorite movie. Been to the field. Played catch with my Dad and kids there. When Costner says, "Hey Dad? Wanna have a catch?" I'm a total mess.

Another one of mine is Armageddon. When Col. Willie Sharp says, "Requesting permission to shake the hand of the daughter, of the bravest man I've ever met."
  • thx
  • 07-05-2010, 10:08 PM
Wall-E? UP? Ok, guilty here as well. lol, I was teary eyed during the Last Airbender movie. hopeless...
scooterpie's Avatar
Saving Private Ryan...Pretty much when each of the guys die, then especially at the end when he's in the cemetery when he says "Tell me I've led a good life." "Tell me I'm a good man"...gets me weepy every time.

The Green Mile...When Percy fries Delacroix, and the end when John Coffey had to die.

Honorable Mention goes to Braveheart...When William Wallace was tortured. Although, since Mel Gibson has shown himself to be such an ass it's not so painful to see him
When ToolTime came to an end
Ol' Yeller of course or Sounder. Anyone remember those oldies?
JohnJohn's Avatar
Most of those are good but the new one, "Remember Me" just shook me up pretty good at the end.
Guest042715's Avatar
I cried yesterday when i had to sit through the new Twilight with my 10 year old. I couldn't get out of that piece o shit movie fast enough.

Schindler's List
tsrv4me's Avatar
No one old enough to have seen "LOVE STORY" or Steel Magnolias ....
I remember many manly damp eyes after "Brian's Song"
Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 07-06-2010, 11:47 AM
Ghost destroys me...I've only watched it twice to the end. First time in the theater I had to sit in the dark till everyone left to leave and then cried more in my car...LOL.

Rudy makes me cry (in a happy way) every time and I've seen it maybe 20 times. His struggle and ultimate success mirrors something very meaningful that occurred in my own life.

Anything with a dog in it.

I cry at a LOT of movies...