An open Rant about you Lurkers and Newbies!

Slow Hand's Avatar
Ok Lurkers and Newbies, time to get something off my chest. It's OK to lurk, start the endless threads about backpage adds. You can ask for advice about who to see and why, because that is what this board is all about

But this week setting up some fun, I have heard from two trusted providers about sudden outbreak of "Newbie" cancels.

When you newbies and lurkers finally work up enough nerve to make an appointment, don't stand the provider up. That is majorly uncool, uncalled for, and ridiculous. If a provider stood one of you newbies up, bet your bottom dollar you would be on this Board naming names and whining about it.

If you read the reviews and comments and then make an appointment with one of these ladies. Have the stones to contact them and tell them you can't make it.

If you can't do that, go find another place to lurk and be a jerk we don't need you here.

That is all I have to say about that........


Slow Hand
Wow, I can't believe I'm reading this post. Slow Hand you truly are God's gift to women!

I've been wanting to post this very same post for weeks now but I just kept telling myself it would get better. As most people know I am very newbie friendly and have been since the beginning but lately I have been having second thoughts. I believe that everybody deserves a chance and I've always been willing to help.

Maybe there's something in the water? But if things don't change I am going to have to stop seeing newbies. I really don't want to do that because I've met so many good clients that started off as newbies but I can't put my life on hold waiting on them to come through. Everybody on this board has obligations in life and I would never waste anybodys time so why do they think they can waste ours? All they are doing is ruining it for the ones that are seriously interested in the Hobby.
Wayward's Avatar
How hard is it to call or send a txt to cancel. While I thinck last minute cancellations suck! either giving or getting, at least allow the lady to make another appointment and not wait around for you. Being scared or flaking out at the last minute I do get that and being embarrassed I get that too, but make the call, do the right thing. For all of us.
I am somewhat of a lurker here... not a newbie to the hobby though.. Just don't currently live in an area that uses eccie. There is a forum very similar to this on the west coast that I am involved in. I will be relocating to the Houston area very soon so I have created an account here to try and get a feel for the scene. I do have to agree with slow hand in that it is pretty annoying to filter through the seemingly endless 411 posts. Especially when you can utilize this ingenious feature called the "search" function. Now don't get me wrong there are times when a 411 post is valid. But please only post one after you have tried searching here and other places. Also there is this internet company called google. You would be surprised about all the really neat things they can tell you about.

In regards to the original topic of this thread.... Please people show some respect... if you chicken out at the last minute or something comes up that you can not avoid and will not be able to make your appointment, PLEASE call these ladies and let them know. Their time is just as valuable as yours.
Now... providers.... this same thing applies to you as well. I think most of us have been stood up/flaked on/and even been double booked and then given the run around so we could both be squeezed in (no pun intended) at some point in time. After being burned by a no show a few times.... I could see why and have been told by some that they often overbook because they don't want to miss out on a call. I can see why one would do this. But for those of us out here who are newbies or just don't hobby very often to have a list of references I ask that you be respectful to us as well.

Just thought I would add my one cent as I will be a newbie to Houston, am a short time lurker to eccie, a sporadic/part time hobbiest and one who would love to visit with some of the beautiful women in Houston without having to go to the bottom of list just to work up my resume.

So......Too all the flakes out there, grow the f&#k up and show some respect. Quite f#!king things up for the rest of us.
eve's Avatar
  • eve
  • 02-26-2011, 10:36 PM
AMEN... Newbie friendly as well and well I have more NCNS form newbies than anything!!!! We are understanding if you cant make it.. WE just have to know about it. And its not just the NCNS that is the problem, another problem is you dont research and you ask to much... OR MY FAVE..... You text saying you cant see your self doing this but want to know if I would go on a date with you free of charge.... THIS IS NOT A DATING SITE FOR LOVE!!!! .. Whew... got that off my chest.... Wow I feel better but not seriously
1: If you need to cancel then cancel
2: Not here looking for love and marriage
3: Well back to one...... PLEASE CALL TO CANCEL!!!

Wakeup's Avatar
'Cause it's not like a provider has ever NC/NS'd anyone...nope, never happened...ever...for really...never happens...
eve's Avatar
  • eve
  • 02-26-2011, 11:34 PM
Lol wakeup... I know they have... ( I havent it...) but in my point if I have the courtesy to call you and tell you I cant make then please have the same... thats all.. and I know things happen that you may not be able to call or text.. I would recommend sending a message or call later to explain.
eve's Avatar
  • eve
  • 02-26-2011, 11:34 PM
and shouldn't this be in coed?
blowpop's Avatar
I agree with the OP - sometimes you have to cancel, but take the time to make a call.
Rezo's Avatar
  • Rezo
  • 02-27-2011, 04:15 PM
damn it. the golden rule even applies in the hobby, folks. time is very valuable for both hobbyist and provider >_<

If you can't make it to an appointment that you agreed to then you need to let the other party know as soon as you are aware that you can't make it! You are burning bridges when you pull that kinda crap
Bluntman's Avatar
I work in the IT field and to me its like working as a contractor, time is money and you have to respect their time just like they have to respect my time.

For newbies they need to pay their dues and establish themselves, but this hobby is always going to attract some broken people and no matter what anyone says we will have the people who nc\ns or who think the provider will fall in love with them cause they are such a nice guy . From the hobbyist side I wish the providers who do NC\NS would give up the tired lies and just tell the truth. I have gotten the friend\provider was in a car crash or friend is in the hospital line so many times I cant count and I also had one use the on her period excuse twice in less than a month. She probably forgot she used it before. For me if a provider is good at contacting me and not standing me up there is a much better chance I will become a regular, if they keep flaking out on me I will find someone else to spend my time and money with.

hopefully some newbies will read this and decide to be a contributor to the site and to just treat the provider with the respect they would want to be treated with.
The bottom line is this: providers and hobbyists should practice common courtesy. If you have to cancel, just be polite enough to call.
  • anita
  • 02-28-2011, 09:15 AM
AMEN... Newbie friendly as well and well I have more NCNS form newbies than anything!!!! We are understanding if you cant make it.. WE just have to know about it. And its not just the NCNS that is the problem, another problem is you dont research and you ask to much... OR MY FAVE..... You text saying you cant see your self doing this but want to know if I would go on a date with you free of charge.... THIS IS NOT A DATING SITE FOR LOVE!!!! .. Whew... got that off my chest.... Wow I feel better but not seriously
1: If you need to cancel then cancel
2: Not here looking for love and marriage
3: Well back to one...... PLEASE CALL TO CANCEL!!!

MAUH!!!! Originally Posted by eve
Ahah @t this is not a dating site for love it is true but you are funny
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 02-28-2011, 09:16 AM
But this week setting up some fun, I have heard from two trusted providers about sudden outbreak of "Newbie" cancels. Originally Posted by Slow Hand
I don't see anything wrong with cancelling!

Seriously though, why are we now experiencing the "sudden outbreak" of no shows? Did the recent stepping ups of LEs to make up for the city budget deficit scare them shitless?

Anyhow, the no-call-no-show perpetrators are simply uneducated and belong on the streets!
Ncns can be a major pain in the arse, but is very rarely a problem if the guy screens properly.

Last minute cancellations can be a real pain too but I always thank the person for at least having the decency to call or at least text if something comes up and he needs to cancel.