⚡️⚡️ ⚡️⚡️ San Antonio's 17th Annual 2019 Hollow Weenie 2019 Tuesday, October 22nd ⚡️⚡

ck1942's Avatar
San Antonio's 17th Annual
2019 Hollow Weenie 2019
Tuesday, October 22nd

Due to opportunity (hip hip hoorah!)
and overwhelming response
to the 2019 Hollow Weenie pre-invitations

we now have a totally private venue

-- no restrictions on costuming
-- $40 cover for gents; bring your favorite alcoholic beverages or take your
chances on the host's beverage choices (beer, wine, spirits)
-- mixers, soft drinks, bar snacks included; personal pizzas are $6

-- doors open at 4 pm for decorations
-- admission starts at 5 pm, DOORS CLOSE at 8 pm
-- event ends at 9 pm

Vouching for invites ends at noon Monday

17th Annual San Antonio
Hollow Weenie Masquerade
& Costume Gala
Tuesday, October 22nd



Pirates, Cheerleaders, Naughty School Girls

Upstairs Maids, French Maids, Hand Maidens

Strippers, Firemen, Firewomen, Cops & Robbers

(as usual, costumes are optional)

All events are only a "meet & greet" -- and all who attend are expected to follow the rules. Link in my signature to full invite/event rules.

If you attend, it is presumed you have read the rules and have agreed to follow them. Those who don't will not be invited to future events.

No illegal activities. That means no play for pay, no drugs, absolutely nothing that can compromise the security of our members, guests and our host venue. If you don't understand the rules, please ask ck1942 to explain.

For the security of all involved - no cameras; no uninvited/unsponsored guests; no haggling over services, etc.

Please respect all attending by no inappropriate touching and by not disclosing anyone's presence to others on or off any board unless they have done so themselves.

Send invite requests to ck1942


Sorry trolls & haters; already RTM'd rule 26
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 10-19-2019, 02:25 PM

Guideline 26.